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Late Indigo Bunting Early Whiote Crowned Sparrow in N. Durham Co

Janet and I and Julia, the dog, took our usual morning walk.

It was a very quiet morning, and we thought that 4 wood duck on the little river would be the most noteworthy. Until we did manage to spot an immature White Crowned Sparrow. We don't usually see them until the first snow storm. We also saw an Indigo Bunting, which Will Cook lists a rare in late October. Lets hope we see it next week.

The week has been one of transition. Early in the week, we were still seeing palm warbler in good number, and a flock of about 12 song sparrow in the field. They both have now moved on. Swamp Sparrows, a Blue-headed vireo, and Winter Wren were nice finds earlier in the week..

The most impactful event of the week was when Julia (part border collie, part husky), had a conversation with a similarly colored mustelid cousin. The skunk got in the last word. The aroma of the skunk leaves a lasting impression.


Tom Krakauer
Bahama, Durham County, NC