
Re: Cops: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them

In article <JamieYanak-2704951959230001@database-mac.oai.org>,
Jamie Yanak <JamieYanak@oai.org> wrote:
>> Well, we all knew this.  But it's disgusting when police  -- 
>> well, at least this one --patronize us about the "dangers" of our driving 
>> 65 in a 55
>I'm sorry if I sounded patronizing, It wasn't meant that way, not that I'm
>apologizing for what I said, just the way I said it. My attempt was to 
>show that a simple thing like speeding can cause tragedies (like the one's
>I've personally suffered) that are not readily considered by those
>committing such a casual, and socially accepted act as speeding. Also,
>after sufferring these tragedies, I was not entirely amused with the
>*attitude* of some of the folks here towards speeding or police. In fact I
>was offended.

 I think speeding, as a crime, is over-rated.  I live in Philadelphia,
and on the Schukyll Expressway here, if you're going the speed limit, your
life expectancy will plummet. I will admit that I speed all the time
(usually 75-85mph) when I think it's safe.  If other cars are on the road,
I'll keep it around 70mph, the average highway speed here.  At this speed,
I get passed about as often as I pass others.  Keep in mind the lousy
speed limit here is 55mph.
 Now if *I* had the chance, I would be an undercover unmarked police car
in an instant.  My goal?  Not to nab speeders, as the favorite target of
police seems to be.  No, it would be to nab all the complete driving
*ssholes on the road who seem to forget that they have turn signals, or
that they can't do triple lane changes every five minutes, or tailgate so
close it looks like they're being towed.  I don't think speeding is nearly
as dangerous as the incredible amount of reckless driving that goes on on
our highways.  Speeding is not the danger here.  I've seen accidents
happen around me on the highway, and I can't think of one that was
speeding related; they all involved someone just being stupid or unsafe
while driving.  This is what worries me.

>J Y
> Jamie-Andrea Yanak    **   A pretty girl is an accident.
>    CYBER-VIXEN        **   A beautifull woman is an accomplishment.
><jamieyanak@oai.org>   **      **             **             **

 - Chrispy
