
Re: Daytime running lights

On 8 Aug 1995, Lee Shere wrote:

> My opinion is that if a person can't see a car or truck in the
> daylight then DLRs aren't going to do a bit of good.

My experience tells me otherwise.  Of course (hopefully) one can
see cars and lorries w/out their lights on in daylight.  The DRLs
enhance the (already good, shall I say) visibility.  I see no prob-
lem with that.  Do you?

> [little snip]
> Personally, I believe this DRL thing is an idea of the gasoline
> companies.  They'll do ANYTHING to increase sales, even if it's 
> so minor as increasing the alternators drag the tiny bit required
> to produce the current to run the DRLs.  A penny an hour from
> millions of cars and you're talking about real money.

Congratulations to all the fuel companies in Sweden and Canada!
They must be laughing hard now.

> BTW.  That extra work that the engine is doing produces more pollution.
> Lee

So a little more pollution produced by DRLs concerns you that much, huh. 
I bet you drive a Geo Metro or a Civic VX (or whatever fuel-saver VTEC-E


      |~~~~~~~~\    *----------------------------------------------------*
 |)=+||       _/|   |  Dai F Toyama      ||  borap@paul.spu.edu          |
 |==+||__-~~~~_/    |  CS Student        ||  Seattle Pacific University  |
 +-\\||__-~~~~ ||   |  Systems Designer  ||  Hitmark Computer            |
 | |\ ||            |  Driving Maniac    ||  1992 Acura Integra GS-R     |
  by Keith Wright   *----------------------------------------------------*
