
Re: Question for Speeders

Gwoho Liu (st20c@math.ucr.edu) wrote:
: syum@corsa.ucr.edu (Sunny Yum) writes--
: : 

: I always wonder about people like this.  If there were no other trafic on
: the freeway and no speed limit, would they just floor the gas pedal and go
: faster and faster until they fly off the freeway?

Don't be obtuse.  People don't normally speed for cheap thrills.  They base 
their  speed on what *they* consider to be a safe speed, based on road and 
traffic conditions and how far ahead they can see.

If I can see 90 seconds ahead, and the roads are dry and straight, why 
the hell should I limit myself to 55mph when 95 is perfectly safe?
