
Re: Question for Speeders

syum@corsa.ucr.edu (Sunny Yum) writes--
: Well, I'll have to agree with you that speed enforcement is a joke.
: Its quite clear that speeding tickets aren't much of a deterrent as
: it is a source of revenue for the community you receive the ticket
: in.  Anyway... I'll get off of my soapbox and tell you that I drive
: around 75mph on short highway trips and usually around 85mph for
: long (>50 mile) highway trips.  I haven't gotten a ticket in over
: four years, but I do keep an extremely cautious, watchful eye over
: my rear-view.  Things to look out for when speeding (if you didn't
: already know! ;): check highway on-ramps for lurking cops when
: you go by, slow down when highways merge (just in case), check your
: rear-view frequently (especially look out for shiny cars in the
: distance... police cars are always shiny-clean!).  Also.. it wouldn't
: help to be reasonable about how much and when you speed (ie: in
: heavy traffic, bad idea).

I always wonder about people like this.  If there were no other trafic on
the freeway and no speed limit, would they just floor the gas pedal and go
faster and faster until they fly off the freeway?

gwoho liu.

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