
Re: Question for Speeders

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Felson <afelson@rainbow.rmii.com> writes:

    Adam> Susan E Clark (sec@christa.unh.edu) wrote: 
    Adam> What would you do if someone's pet or child ran out in
    Adam> front of you at : such a high speed?  (100-130 mph)

    Adam> I would consider it evolution in action.  There's a reason
    Adam> superhighways have limited access and are fenced off.  DUH!!

    Adam> I would only be going that fast ( if my car could :-) if I
    Adam> could see far enough ahead to confirm that there are no
    Adam> obstacles.  again, DUH!!!

Plus, do you think you'd be able to stop from 65 if a kid ran in front
of your car...?  65 is pretty fast, too!

