
Re: Question for Speeders

On 26 May 1995, Tigress wrote:
> Susan E Clark (sec@christa.unh.edu) wrote:
> : What would you do if someone's pet or child ran out in front of you at 
> : such a high speed?  (100-130 mph)   
> Well, personally, I don't go that fast, not comfortable for me, I go at a
> speed I am comfortable at which is around 75-80. Secondly, this is when I
> am on the highway, and I think those speeds you are quoting are also done
> on the highway, so where is the kid or pet you are talking about? I think
> a better question is what if you were going 40 or above on a residential
> area with lots of kids and pets. This would be much more realistic.
> Tigress

	'Cuse me, but in my time I have seen plenty of 'pets' on the 
road, dead and alive.  They may not be literal pets, but strays.  You 
also are forgetting deer.  A large animal can dart in front of you in a 
split second.  I have seen the damage one can do to a car's front end.  I 
also must point out there can be a result of loss of control.  As for 
residential areas, I would call 10 or 15 mph over the limit dangerous if 
children and pets are present, not the loose number of 40 mph over.  
	Granted, 75 - 80 on the highway is fine, but 110-120+ is 
ridiculous unless there is 110% visibility and no one else in sight, 
especially a trooper :).

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