
Re: driver's ed. is a joke

In <3uf3s1$iui@news.mindspring.com> Cindy Lu <cindylu@mindspring.com>
>That is Germany. In USA, our co-existing drivers don't yield to
>the fast traffic, use shot gun and middle finger to communicate.
>LA was famous for that couple years ago, we have two people in
>a stolen green Jeep did that last week.

Now we are talking morals and values. That is something for another
newsgroup or email. But I do agree with you wholeheartedly. 

>Driver's ed? I would recommand lisence for cars: everybody start
>with Yugo. Every several years of safe driving grant a promotion.
>For those repeated drunk driver and bad drivers, they shouldn't
>have air bag or ABS. Their existance are actually danger to the
>other innocent people. Everytime, watching a wreck caused by drunk
>driving F-150 or big Cadi, I always wish there were law to force
>those people drive a Yugo.

I dunno about starting off with a Yugo. That car is a death trap
itself. Not only that, but if you try to get a Yugo up to fifty five,
you will end up killing ten people behind you. But I understand your
point. 17-18 year olds do not need to drive Mustangs and Camaros. They
will only end up killing someone else (or themselves) from just plain
ignorance about driving. Placing an age restriction on some sports cars
would not be a bad idea, since ungodly insurance rates have not stopped

I have to agree with some of the other people involved in this thread
when they state Driver's Ed only teaches traffic laws and parking. I
think US should adopt a program in which new drivers have to pass a
offensive driving course. (Since Driver's Ed is considered Defensive
Driving) This course should teach drivers how to handle a controlled
skid on various surfaces. How to avoid skidding a car along with
various other skills. (Too many to list and I have forgotten some at
this point)

Agree or Disagree? Feel free to express your opinions.

