

 On 07/27/95, KENNY MORSE wrote:

>  Well....in the 8 years that I've been teaching and taking calls on
>  the air, 90% wish it was a right, but KNOW it is a priviledge.  There
I suppose they knew that too.

>  Boy, you guys are hardheaded.

That goes for everyone who has opinion different from yours? It's not 
attitude developed by 8 years of "teaching", is it?

>  If YOU want driving to be a right....I encourage
>  you and others to GET THE LAW CHANGED.

I'm working on it. Small but annoying things first, like helmet law 
(and yes, I wear helmet every time, since my head is worth a lot :)

> In the meantime.....keep it up and pay for my vacations.

Fat chance. So far, I cost The System around 20 hours of court time 
and paid them, oh, $670 total. I wonder if judges and staff feels 
underpaid, since only 25% goes to court, the rest taken by the state.

ObSpeed: I've been paying close attention to my speedometer in last 2 
weeks. It turns out, median speed on most BA freeways is around 70-75 
mph. If I go slower, majority of cars pass me, if I go 85mph, I pass 
most of the cars. My estimate that 95% of all cars in non-congested 
traffic is moving slower that 80mph. It is probably dangerous to go much 
faster than 110mph, because speed differential and stopping distances 
are too high for an average driver and worse than excellent condition 
car, as well as lack of lane discipline.

 [DoD#1610]      [artyom@btf.com]                      /      \  /
'81 XV-750       "splitter"                           < DARWIN ><
'93 CBR900RR     'gone with the Taurus"                \______/  \
'89 CBR600F      "red leaner"                           _|  _|

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