

In article <9507282026183817@btf.com> Artyom wrote:
>>From: kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE)
>KM>Was the key word there RECENTLY???  The majority of the
>  >California driving public HAS gotten traffic tickets.  My students
>  >are absolutely, positively a cross sections of ALL OF US.
>You forgetting that your students realize that they are talking to the
>person who will eventually decide whether they passed the grade (and
>completed traffic school).

They could say the moon was made of green cheese and they STILL
pass. What traffic school did YOU attend????
>Now, when I attended Traffic School, 90% of the students agreed that
>driving is truly a right, not a privilege, and the state Govt robs us of
>this constitutional right. Does this make it a *fact*? No more than your
>chat with students who only want to get out and forget about you and the
>whole ridiculous NTSI institution.

Well....in the 8 years that I've been teaching and taking calls on the air,
90% wish it was a right, but KNOW it is a priviledge.  There is not
ONE country on this Earth where driving is a right.  Boy, you
guys are hardheaded. If YOU want driving to be a right....I 
encourage you and others to GET THE LAW CHANGED. 
In the meantime.....keep it up and pay for my vacations.

Kenny Morse
"mr. Traffic"
>   _Art.
> * OLX 2.1 TD * A+iens are Ea+ing mY brain -- +i+m at E+even.

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