

>In article <3vh3or$ge7@bug.rahul.net> Rahul Dhesi <dhesi@rahul.net> writes:
>>     Speeding tickets on highways are given for these behaviors:
>>     tailgating, rapid lane changing, and going much faster than the
>>     flow of traffic.

Squares with my experience, except for one addition: "having a shabby looking
car".  I and the friends I was with have had some pretty poor looking cars
over the years, and these get pulled over much, much more often (though they
rarely give any tickets, occasionally a fix-it ticket).  Worst case I had
(which I've mentioned here before), was 5 sheriffs in 4 cars, hassling 3
of us for an hour before letting us off with 1 fix-it item and a speeding
ticket (this included 3-4 body searches per person; and crawling up under
the dash to get the serial number of our $50 cheap tape deck to "check if
it was stolen").  The speed limit had just changed, and people were passing
us when they pulled us over.   -mjm-
