

In article <3vmi1v$bcf@gap.cco.caltech.edu> addam@cco.caltech.edu (Adam Neil Villani) writes:

>Excellent point. A caveat, though, that a cop may also give you a ticket
>for speeding on a highway if you're exceeding the speed limit in the 
>absence of any other traffic to compare you to. Personally, I speed
>frequently but am always careful not to tailgate or do anything else
>that would be dangerous. I've only been driving for 5 years, but I've
>never received a ticket. I've been stopped by cops twice, but both
>times it was for things I was doing at 30 mph or less. I've also
>been passed by cops while I was doing 80. I think California cops
>do a pretty good job, with notable exceptions, of not targeting people
>merely for exceeding the speed limit.

Very true about the empty-road problem.  The one speeding ticket I've gotten 
in the last ten years was when there were no other cars anywhere close by.

The interesting thing here is that when a road is empty, that is of course the 
safest time to drive fast.  Yet it's exactly the time when you just might get 
a ticket for doing nothing other than driving fast.

The *very* interesting thing is that no matter how fast I drive on this empty 
road, I endanger no one but myself.  But someone in government has decided 
that I am not allowed to choose my own level of risk.  They know better, and 
they will save me from myself.

This is evil.
