

In article <scotdunDCuG0M.18C@netcom.com> Scott Dunn wrote:
>In article <leobDCts39.4Ip@netcom.com>,
>Between 408 and 510... <leob@netcom.com> wrote:
>>kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE) writes:
>>>I agree with you Mark up to the point where you assert 
>>><<If speed limits were set at speeds that people drive at>.....
>>>you and I differ at this point......I say if you up the speed limit
>>>to ANYTHING....65....75....85 (right, we wish), then people
>>>will STILL break those limits.

And then Scott writes:
>If this were true, the govenment would have put governors on every single 
>automobile a long time ago.  Despite the whinings of the auto industry.

Nonesense. And it IS true.  When YOU start teaching traffic school,
or talk to thousands of motorists for a living, THEN call me with your
"informed" opinion.
>>PS. Yes, we all know, what's the deal - $$$.
>KENNY knows better than many of us.  He's in a position to profit from 
>the insanely low speed limits.  And as far as I can tell, he doesn't seem 
>to have a bothered conscience about it, either.  He would do well in a 
>communist country with an attitude like his.  The fact that we 
>indavertently support his position with 'dollars' suggests that this 
>country is highly socialist.  Couldn't KENNY do something more productive 
>like manufacturing doorknobs?

What an intelligent post. My, you must sit up nights with your coloring
books to have come up with that.

YOU BET $$$ is the deal....YOU....the guy who so willingly forks
over your $$$ to the state, and then they pay guys like ME to have
to face the likes of YOU for 8 hours. And all for what? Minutes?
You getting somewhere a few minutes sooner? Idicocy! 

I profit from people who break the law.  If you don't like the law,
change it, or be the poor patsy who forks over your $$$.  The majority
of the people I teach were going in excess of 65 mph. COnscience?
Yeah....I feel bad that people are too stupid to obey the laws of
the state, and if they don't like the law, at least stay in a zone of
speed that WON'T get then singled out for a ticket.  
Oh, and guess what....YOU profit from people who break the law
too.  If it wasn't for the 100 million+ that people who break the
law (and not all speeders) contribute to the California General Fund,
then YOUR taxes would be a helluva lot higher than now.
But, I suppose you don't mind THAT!

I'll say it one last time for the thinking impaired ......PEOPLE SPEED 
because of archaic speed laws (which they are), but because they
have selfish motives.  Their disrespet for these laws comes NOT
from BIG BROTHER'S tyranny, but from their OWN attitudes
and taking for granted the driving priveledge.

Yeah Scott....I'll make doornobs, but people like you will
find a way to break it, and then bitch about the communists
who made a buck manufacturing doornobs.

Oh, and the next time you want to call someone a communist,
(ooooo, like he REALLY hurt me), look in the mirror first.

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic"
>responding to
>Scott Dunn : scotdun@netcom.com : who is some kind of
FOIA/PA researcher, tutor ....tutor of WHAT??
>"When there is crime in government, there is no justice." --Potato
>" When there is inanity in one's position, I'll call ya a name"---Mr. Potato Head

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