

In article <leobDCts39.4Ip@netcom.com>,
Between 408 and 510... <leob@netcom.com> wrote:
>kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE) writes:

>>I agree with you Mark up to the point where you assert 
>><<If speed limits were set at speeds that people drive at>.....
>>you and I differ at this point......I say if you up the speed limit
>>to ANYTHING....65....75....85 (right, we wish), then people
>>will STILL break those limits.

If this were true, the govenment would have put governors on every single 
automobile a long time ago.  Despite the whinings of the auto industry.

>difference at about 75-80 mph, and this is the speed limit people
>set to themselves. There always will be some people who drive >100 mph
>(from time to time), no matter what is the speed limit - 55 or 75,
>so what's the deal? 
>	Leo
>PS. Yes, we all know, what's the deal - $$$.
KENNY knows better than many of us.  He's in a position to profit from 
the insanely low speed limits.  And as far as I can tell, he doesn't seem 
to have a bothered conscience about it, either.  He would do well in a 
communist country with an attitude like his.  The fact that we 
indavertently support his position with 'dollars' suggests that this 
country is highly socialist.  Couldn't KENNY do something more productive 
like manufacturing doorknobs?

Scott Dunn : scotdun@netcom.com : FOIA/PA researcher, tutor 
"When there is crime in government, there is no justice." --Potato

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