

In article <400lha$t0g@gap.cco.caltech.edu> Adam Neil Villani wrote:
>In article <scotdunDCuG0M.18C@netcom.com>,
>Scott Dunn <scotdun@netcom.com> wrote:
>>communist country with an attitude like his.  The fact that we 
>>indavertently support his position with 'dollars' suggests that this 
>>country is highly socialist.  Couldn't KENNY do something more productive 
>>like manufacturing doorknobs?
>Well, _I_ sure don't support him. I've only been driving 5 years, have
>received no traffic tickets, and have even beaten each of the four
>parking tickets I've received. Proud of it, too! :-)

 Thats my boy Adam. Proud of ya.
Keep it up!  I really DON'T want you, or anyone else
to see my class. 

Since I derive my $$$ from working on TV NOT as Mr. Traffic
(I work on a CBS TV Series that will stay anonymous), the $$$ I make
from traffic school is a pittance, which I have turned around and donated
to charities, causes like MADD, and paid for public service programming
at MY cost to help people like SCOTT when he has a problem.

Believe me, I've met worse than him, and many who post here.

I'm glad you have kept your nose clean Adam, and hope it will stay that

But I care not what he or others think of my position....I state it for the
sake of intelligent discussion (which he seems to have a problem with).
There's an old saying......"What other people think of me is none of my

>Adam Villani
>"I was in this prematurely air-conditioned supermarket..."
