

The real reason people speed is -- get ready for this --

        	B e c a u s e   I t   F e e l s   G o o d !

Always has, always will.  As soon as somebody invents something, somebody
else makes it work faster, and a third person says "let's have a race." 
So doesn't it make more sense to develop systems that permit this natural
exercise of a deep inner need shared by -- I'm just guessing here -- 95%
of the population rather than ineffectually attempting to squelch it

Our interstates already support speeds in excess of 85 mph.  So do many
lesser highways.  How about NO speed limits, and stringent penalties for
not moving over to allow a faster driver to pass or for passing on the
right?  Or maybe minimum and maximum speed limits on a lane basis, with no
maximum in the fast lane.  Anyone incapable of observing these simple and
appropriate rules should not be on the highways to begin with, and
everyone would be much safer without them.  Hmmm....perhaps special
highway licenses, like motorcycle licenses, with stiff penalties for

And we all know what a highway is:  I-5 and the rest of the interstate 
system, 395, etc.  NOT Mulholland Drive and its equivalent in northern 
California.  Not the street you live on.  NOT the street your kid walks 
to school on . . .

Anybody here with legal experience who wants to get up an internet 
petition to send to our lawfakers?  It couldn't hurt, and somehow voting 
just doesn't do what it's supposed to...

Bev               bashley@cello.gina.calstate.edu 
          Finger for spotted owl recipe.

Follow-Ups: References: