
Re: Kevin's posts

In article <404o89$81s@news-e1a.megaweb.com>,
KENNY MORSE <kennystar@megaweb.com> wrote:
>In article <404cou$l46@clark.net> Kevin Atkinson wrote:
>>They DO show what really happing.  Ok if a LA freeway speed limit went up
>>to 85 mph (well above the 85th percentile speed on almost any road) do you 
>>honesly think most people will do 95-100? (Challenge ONE)
>Nope. I don't. Because Americans are NOT trained to be able to
>handle these speeds safely. A small % WOULD go 95-100.  That's
>not the point.  There will be NO 85 speed limit in yours or my lifetime.
>The issue is if raised to 65 or 75, will they exceed.  I say ABSOLUTELY.

Ok if 55 zones were raised to 75 do you think drivers will go 85?

What about a 55 to 65, do you think drivers will go 75-80?

Please keep in mind that the 55 zones tend to be the zones with all the 

I suggest you read the NMA zooning standards (at http://www.clark.net
/pub/kevina/sl/nma-zone.html) very clossly if you have't already.  The 
idea here is to set the speed limits to the 85th percentile speed and use 
it as a GUIDELINE but not as an ABSOLUTE limit.  With there proposed 
standards an officer can arrest ou for going faster then the flow of 
traffic even if it is below the posted limit.  It also states (in a round
about way) that you may legally exceed the speed limit if the speed you 
are not driving in an unsafe or irresponsible manner.  For example if 
there are no cars on the road etc....

>>(Challenge TWO) Ask you students if the limit was raised 10 to 15 mph if 
>>they would exceed it automatically.
>Kev...I DID ask. In TWO classes now (since Jaime asked me to) and
>the answer was "probably".  And there it is.  These are average drivers
>who absolutey reflect a cross section of California drivers who were
>the ones who got caught.  If there were more cops, more would be

Well we won't know what they trully would do unless we adjuct them.  I 
would like to set some 65 to 75 or 80 and see what happens.  I imagine 
that traffic will contine to go 70-80 mph on rural freeways...

* Kevin Atkinson, Clarknet I'net Serv., Maintainer of the Usenet Info Center *
*     Finger usenet-i@clark.net for more info on Usenet Info Center.         *
*    Or send mail to usenet-i@clark.net  with a subject line of HELP.        *
*  This is in its beginning stages and I could use any help I could get!     *

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