
Re: Kevin's posts

In article <405vl0$s0k@news-e1a.megaweb.com>,
KENNY MORSE <kennystar@megaweb.com> wrote:
>>>In article <404cou$l46@clark.net> Kevin Atkinson wrote:
>>Ok if 55 zones were raised to 75 do you think drivers will go 85?

Really?  Even on a congested higway going through a city.  Unless everone 
starts going 85 (HIGHLY unlikely considering many vehicles can't do that 
speed like old school buses (top off of about 60-65), certain vans (top off
of around (70-75) and all other cars with small engines),  I really don't 
think that people will do 85 because they in order to do that speed they 
will have to start weeving there way trough traffic etc...

>>What about a 55 to 65, do you think drivers will go 75-80?
>Not only do I think that, but THAT is what is ACTUALLY happening 
>right now. Forget all those people who get nailed on CVC 22356 who 
>I get in class (the ones exceeding 65)....that tells me one thing and then
>my EYES tell me another.  I teach in areas that I have to drive in 65
>zones to get to.  Nobody....NOBODY is doing 65 (except me).
>Everyone flies past me.  As they do I yell..."Thanks for my
>vacation to Tahiti!!!"

Yes and there is a very good reason for that.  Generally when the limit 
is 65 the road becomes dence in traffic and people can safely do 75-85
with out killing anyone.  This won't happen in urban interstates -- 
espacally twisty ones like the capital beltway (i am from maryland so I 
can't give any california roads).

>>>>(Challenge TWO) Ask you students if the limit was raised 10 to 15 mph if 
>>>>they would exceed it automatically.
>>>Kev...I DID ask. In TWO classes now (since Jaime asked me to) and
>>>the answer was "probably".  And there it is.  These are average drivers
>>>who absolutey reflect a cross section of California drivers who were
>>>the ones who got caught.  If there were more cops, more would be
>>Well we won't know what they trully would do unless we adjuct them.  I 
>>would like to set some 65 to 75 or 80 and see what happens.  I imagine 
>>that traffic will contine to go 70-80 mph on rural freeways...
>I do NOT need to do any further analysis of their responses.  They speak for
>themselves quite adequately.  Not to you......you don't like what they 
>are saying.  But as I have said, I appreciate your approach to the
>discussion and your advocacy of your position.  Thanks.
I know what they are saying.  True I may not like it however I don't 
belive they REALLY will DO what they say they would after all there 
answer was "probably".

* Kevin Atkinson, Clarknet I'net Serv., Maintainer of the Usenet Info Center *
*     Finger usenet-i@clark.net for more info on Usenet Info Center.         *
*    Or send mail to usenet-i@clark.net  with a subject line of HELP.        *
*  This is in its beginning stages and I could use any help I could get!     *
