News Library News Online
Vol. 22, No.2/Winter 2000

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Internet Librarian '99 FAQs

By Barbara Semonche

Anticipating typical questions about IL, I prepared the following FAQs:

1. What is it that keeps bringing people back to IL?

Attendees comment most frequently on the fact that they are actively learning; there are no "business" meetings associated with their primary associations to distract them from their mission. That and the strong, diverse, technical programs are appealing as well as the exhibits.

2. Will Information Today's web site offer any of the presentations from this '99 conference?

The word is that most of them (with the probable exceptions of the pre/post conference seminars) will be loaded at this URL

3. Did you get to most of the workshops and seminars?

Not a chance! There was simply too much for one person to take in. I hope that others who attended this IL conference will join in and contribute summaries of the sessions they attended. Otherwise, it's to the Information Today web site to pick up the missed presentations. Still, the on-the-scene live interaction is the best.

4. Surely you didn't work all the time?

You've got that right! However, I didn't attend the IL Golf Classic (I don't play, alas) and I didn't make any of the eight great Dine Arounds (Big sigh), and I missed the San Diego Union Tribune's tour, and I couldn't take advantage of sailing opportunities. But I did get to several art galleries and antique shops. This San Diego area is filled with marvelous places to walk, sight-see, and window shop.

5. What about the exhibits?

They were the best, all 100+ of 'em. LEXIS-NEXIS hosted the Cyber Cafe,

News Edge offered a trail bike drawing, and others were too good to miss. Food and drink flowed, demos offered, and handouts distributed. A complete list of the exhibitors, with links to many of their web sites, can be found at this URL:

It's worth mentioning that an impressive number of the IL exhibitors are SLA members; several are prominent in the Association. They are all unfailingly supportive of the growing number of organizations involved with everything from digital libraries to search engine development.

6. Was this conference mostly for North Americans?

The vast majority came from Canada and the US, but there were at least a half dozen other countries represented. A geographic breakout has not been compiled yet.

7. Will you return for the 4th IL conference in Monterey Nov. 6-8, 2000

Are you kidding? Of course! But, as they say in the North Carolina, "If God is willin' and the creek don't rise!"

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