News Library News Online
Vol. 22, No.2/Winter 2000

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News Division Officer Nominees
Alice Pepper

Nominee for Secretary:    Alice Pepper,
Library technology coordinator
Detroit Free Press

My work in the Special Libraries Association started in the deep-end twenty years ago when I became president of the student chapter of SLA at the University of Michigan. One of the programs I arranged was a tour of downtown Detroit special libraries, including the Detroit Free Press.  That visit and my term as chair of the SLA Michigan Chapter hospitality committee were the first links in the chain of events that moved me from the technical library at the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association into the Free Press in 1981.

A few years ago, my job as library coordinator was split between research and technology functions. I chose the way of the techie, implementing a new archiving system and steering newspaper copy between the web page and the electronic archives. I have picked up a few other duties along the way - manager of the Free Press portal web site and answering the flood of library and web e-mail.

I have remained active in the Michigan chapter and have served as secretary, treasurer and director as well as chair of the program, career guidance, membership and nominating committees (fortunately, not all at the same time.)  I assisted in program planning and acted as discussion leader in the Newspaper Library Regional Seminar held in Detroit (much too long ago) and was secretary/publicist for the first SLA Great Lakes Regional Conference.

In addition to writing press releases and revising the Michigan chapter procedures manual, I have been responsible for chapter correspondence, minutes and meeting announcements.

My 'show biz' career in special libraries includes: presentations to student groups on the thrill of being a newspaper librarian, acting as chapter consultant to businesses wishing to start an information center, and speaking on the effects of change at the News division panel at the Boston conference.

SLA's annual conference was held in Detroit a few months after I became a Free Press librarian. That's when I first met the 'Newspaper' (as it was called then) division. I became hooked on the group's unique personality - people who work hard and play harder, are generous to their colleagues and patient with their co-workers. I would like to contribute to that enthusiasm as secretary of the division.

I deviated from the newspaper path for a few years, working as a research analyst and benchmarking specialist for Detroit Edison. When I returned to the Free Press to oversee library operations, I was delighted to be home.

Sammy Alzofon

Nominee for Secretary:    Sammy Alzofon, Library Director at The Palm Beach Post

I hold a BA and MLS from the University of California at Berkeley (1969). My training is as a Latin American specialist. I came to newspaper world in 1986 at the St. Petersburg Times and I am currently library director at The Palm Beach Post. I am News Division Membership Chair and have held that post since 1997. During this time I also co-edited two editions of the membership directory. I have a strong commitment to the business and work of the division. I believe the division to be a strong collective force in guiding information creation, management, and delivery. I am also the Palm Beach County representative for SLA, Florida Chapter and participate in local and statewide activities. I carry the force of the division into my daily work and feel it is reflected in a very high quality of both research and archive management.

Jody HabayebChair-Elect

Jody Habayeb

I have been in news research since 1983, working the first decade for a Knight-Ridder newspaper, The Fort Wayne News-Sentinel.

In 1993, I took over as Library Director at The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. Two years later I was promoted to Director of News Technology & Research there. In addition to being Library Director, I also serve as the paper’s Web manager and, in that role, I led the effort to create the newspaper’s first Web site.

In 1998, I became Editor of News Research for The Daytona Beach News- Journal. I was looking for a new challenge and I admit, warmer winters. It has been an enriching experience and has given me many opportunities and a different perspective on news publishing and research to have now worked for a corporate newspaper, a joint operating agreement (JOA) family-owned paper and now a truly Independent Newspaper Group paper.

I have been very involved in the News Division of the Special Libraries Association over the past 15 years. I was the advertising manager for News Library News ('90 - '92) and, more recently, served as treasurer for the News Division (' 95 - '97).  I have been a speaker at SLA's News division annual conferences over the years, speaking on subjects ranging from, "Photo Archiving" to  "Enhancing Your Library's Image" to "Selling Your Archives on the Web."

I have seen so many positive changes in news libraries over the past two decades. Our division spent a lot of time in the '80's talking about how to gain the respect of editors and reporters, how to become more a part of the team and process, as well as learning what an electronic archive was. In the '90's we learned all about this new thing called the Internet, the Web and how to not only be part of the team, but how to drive the bus when it comes to news research and its impact on the quality of the end product. We left behind the reactive way of research and now enjoy the proactive approach.

Most of us no longer need to spend a minute thinking about gaining respect in our profession - we have it. We don’t have to wonder if the Internet or Web is a fad or credible way to do research - we now can't operate without it (or at least wouldn't want to). I would like to play a role in seeking out the best ways to manage all these resources. The newsroom needs us more than ever to help navigate the vast world of research.

As we enter the new millenium radio, television and newspaper librarians are more alike than ever. We all publish in mixed media and this creates a new challenge for all of us. Together, we will knock down any remaining obstacles and build new bridges to the challenges that lay ahead.

Director of Education / Professional Development Chair

Carolyn Edds

I recently joined the San Antonio Express-News as a news researcher. Previously, I had been the news research manager at the Herald-Journal in Spartanburg, SC, where I had worked since 1995. At the Herald-Journal, I oversaw the installation of a text and digital photo archive, created and maintained an intranet, built a library of print and electronic resources, trained reporters on using the Internet and some other computer applications and did some computer-assisted reporting.

I earned a Master's degree in Library and Information Science from the University of South Carolina and a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Florida. While at the University of Florida, I worked in the Catalog Department of the University of Florida Libraries. In my final year of journalism school, I took a part-time job at the Independent Florida Alligator, a newspaper serving the University of Florida community. On this job, I was excited to learn there was an occupation of news librarian, where I could combine my work experience with my education and passion for research.

I am a member of the Special Libraries Association and Investigative Reporters and Editors. My activities in the News Division have included serving as a member of the Education Committee since 1996, Webmeistress of the News Division Web site, Director of Publications and planning the 1996 Newcomers Committee meeting. I also spoke at the 1996 and 1997 SLA conferences. I am looking forward to being involved with computer-assisted reporting projects at the San Antonio Express-News and becoming familiar with the sights in the San Antonio area.



Nominee for Publications Chair:
Mona Hatfield

I am the News Research & Technology Manager for Contra Costa Newspapers based in Walnut Creek, Calif. I moved to California in 1995 from The Advocate in Baton Rouge, La.

I have been active in the News Division since 1987. My previous contributions include speaking on several panels, serving as Nominations Committee chair, People columnist for NLN, NLN editor and Publications Director.

I feel NLN and the Publications committee face an exciting future as the News Division mirrors the news industry in moving more fully into the ever-changing electronic publishing arena while maintaining a strong commitment to our traditional print resources.

Patti GrazianoNominee for Publications Chair:
Patti A. Graziano

I am the Library Director at The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer. I have been in the news librarian business for 27 years and have been active in both the News Division and the Cleveland Chapter of SLA. I was a speaker at Newspaper Librarians Course in Columbus, OH, 1984. I chaired the Betty Burrows Seminar (a continuing education course for the Cleveland Chapter) in 1986. I served on the Auditor's Committee of the Cleveland Chapter of SLA in 1986 and 1987 and I was Chair of Public Relations for the Cleveland Chapter of SLA in 1987 and 1988. I was a member of the Public Relations Committee and coordinated the first News Division auction in 1993. Finally, I was Chair of the Advertising Committee of the Cleveland Chapter of SLA in 1996 and 1997.

The News Division's publication program has been excellent. I want to continue this fine program and look into possibly expanding it.

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