News Library News Online
No. 22, Vol.2/Winter 2000

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By Jeff Graveline

Who says that news librarians don't get the respect they deserve? Certainly not John Sinclair, Chief Librarian at the Edmonton Sun. On November 27, 16 staffers from the Sun (and their spouses) were flown by the Sun Media Corporation to Toronto to be honored for achieving twenty years of service. The trip included airfare, a two night stay, a banquet and a choice of either a gold ring or a watch. The gifts were presented by Sun Media's CEO and the Publisher of the Edmonton Sun. John took the Watch and says "It's been a beauty!" A group photo ran on December 4 in the Edmonton Sun, and John has posted it at his web site at

Maudie Lawson has been promoted to the newly created position of ... well she actually does not have an official title yet (she still uses Information Specialist) but describes the position as the newsroom liaison to online. When the Springfield News-Leader (Springfield, MO) decided to launch its online version faster than anticipated it gave Maudie a good opportunity to get involved. She gathers artwork for the I-Piece (internet centerpiece) and makes it available to their online staff. She also adds value with archival background and internet links gathered for the main story. She says that her biggest responsibility is "making sure the copy flow makes it through the pipe to online." You can see her online work at Maudie is also still in charge of the library which was recently made to report directly to the Managing Editor.

Susan Kaufman, Director of the Manning, Selvage and Lee Information Center in New York City, has returned to the classroom. Not as a student, though. Susan was recently asked to teach a seminar at the NYU Management Institute on "Research and Public Relations." The course, which was taught in early December, was intended for public relations professionals and was closely related to media relations.

The San Antonio Express-News has seen some comings and goings in the past few months. Jalyn Kelley was promoted to Assistant Editor, Information Services filling the position of Jennifer Small Evert, who is now an Information Professional Consultant with Lexis-Nexis. She is in charge of research and the newsroom training efforts. Also joining the Express-News team is Carolyn Edds, formerly with the Spartanburg Herald-Journal. Carolyn's new position is that of news researcher and CARR team researcher.

Well, well, well!!! Librarians on magazine covers! Now that is good news. Lany MacDonald also made the cover (sans photo, alas) of Corporate Library Update for Nov. 15, 1999. The occasion was the presentation of Time Inc.’s President's Award to Lany as Director of Time's Research Center. The CEO, Don Logan, referred to Time, Inc.'s Research Center and Lany MacDonald as a "major corporate and strategic asset." Applause! Applause!!

And three cheers to Bridget Janus (shown in a near-full-page photo holding forth at a Poynter Institute session) in an AJR October '99 article on "The Training Track." Good article, too. Worthy of careful reading. By the way, News Division members will recognize several others of the faithful in the photo with Bridget.

Speaking of photos, George Schlukbier's smiling face was captured in a full-page ad promoting office space in New York City. The publication is The Industry Standard (a news magazine of the internet economy.) Check the November 15, 1999 issue, page 128. George, a former news librarian, is now one of the chief honchos for Total Sports, a North Carolina-based print and internet publisher of sports information which has recently opened an additional office in NYC. George looks great!

Sperry Krueger gave birth to her second child, Lucinda Jane Krueger (they call her Lucy) on October 19. She says that Lucy is doing great and they feel blessed. Although Sperry has taken a year off work while her husband is on Nieman Fellowship at Harvard, she is still on the newslib listserv and keeps up with what we are all doing.

Alicia Estes has taken a part-time reference position in News Research at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Prior to relocating to Atlanta, she was a business librarian at NYU's Bobst Library. Kathryn Pease was named Editorial Research Supervisor at the Sun-Sentinal in Fort Lauderdale.

Jeff Graveline is the Director of News Research at the Tuscaloosa News. His email is


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