News Library News Online
Vol. 22, No.2/Winter 2000

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... to recently departed News Division member Stephanie Willen Brown who created the theStephanie Willen Brown News Archives web page. The page has been quoted and listed in many sources recently.

There are 4 recent articles that list the News Archives page as a good resource:

- Searcher, November 1, 1999, No. 10, Vol. 7; Pg. 56. End-of-the-Century Grab Bag: A Miscellany of ONLINE GOODIES by Barbara Quint

- Database, June 1, 1999, No. 3, Vol. 22; Pg. 57. Searching for

Current News. by Greg R. Notess

- The Washington Post, February 23, 1998, FINANCIAL; Pg. F23.

NETWORKINGS, Services Using Web Search Engines Challenge Commercial Databases, by Margot Williams

- Searcher, January, 1998, No. 1, Vol. 6; Pg. 64. News archives: one-stop shopping, boutique hopping and the specialty news search site by Nora Paul

And over 140 web sites link to it, according to an AltaVista link search. Many sites that link to it are college or public libraries. A few are out of the United States and the sites themselves are in Swedish and Norweigan. Other sites include the Library of Congress and the Poynter Institute. (To do the search yourself, try type: link:http:/ in AltaVista)

Additionally, the page is slated to be included as a resource in Fulltext Sources Online (FSO). It received a positive review in the Choice magazine web supplement, August 1999.

Not bad for a volunteer effort! Congratulations Stephanie and good luck in the academic world!



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