News Library News Online

25th Anniversary 1978-2003

Vol. 25, No.3/Spring 2003

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Ron Larson

Ron Larson
The 94th annual Special Libraries conference is right around the corner and the News Division has a great lineup of events and programs planned for members traveling to New York City in early June.

Linda Henderson, our division's chair-elect, and education director Jennifer Small Evert, have put together a program and CE courses that will keep attendees very busy.

The experience of attending the SLA conference cannot be beat. I have not been able to attend many conferences, only eight during my career, but each one was very rewarding and gratifying.

I recently dusted off the folder from my first conference in 1981 and found the report that I presented to the editors on my return (yes, I do save everything). In reading the report, my enthusiasm was quite apparent. And, I believe, my enthusiasm for the other seven conferences was just as high.

In fact, I don't think it's possible not to be enthused when attending a Special Libraries conference because the News Division has a reputation for making it so worthwhile. Each and every day is filled with interesting and informative sessions.

But what I enjoy the most about the conference is meeting and talking with my colleagues. The programs are valuable, but the discussions at lunch, dinner and in the division suite with fellow news librarians is priceless.

I remember meeting Sandy Hall at the 1981 conference and how I was pulled in by her enthusiasm for the division and conference. I remember talking to Homer Martin and Harish Trivedi in the division suite, listening to their energetic discussion about library automation. And I remember Barbara Semonche pulling me aside to mention how much she liked my comments regarding smaller news libraries.

I guess the term people use today for those discussions is networking. I'm sure I didn't know the word back in 1981, I just knew that I learned a great deal and my eyes were opened by having discussions with the veterans of our division. As I said in closing in my 1981 report to the editors, "The SLA convention has boosted my enthusiasm in what we can do in the library. I have seen new things, met new people and thought of new ideas - all of which can help us."

I hope you can attend the conference in June and have your enthusiasm boosted.

Last Updated: 05/04/03
Ron Larson