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25th Anniversary 1978-2003

Vol. 25, No.3/Spring 2003

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New Member Profile Annette Griswold

Annette Griswold
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

My first career was radio, where for about 18 years I spun records and CDs, hosted live concert broadcasts, interviewed musicians, wrote copy, and trained countless people to talk into a microphone. I've done various commercial and non-commercial formats, including "free-form," rock Œn roll, news, and classical music.

My second career is that of librarian. I was hired as the Manager of the News Information Center at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in July 2002. Although this is my first news library, my years in radio have well prepared me for deadlines, information overload, media egos, and information literacy.

Before the Journal Sentinel, I managed the Technical Information Center for Georgia-Pacific's Wisconsin research and development facility. I was also G-P's senior information researcher for consumer products, competitive intelligence, and patents (you would be surprised at the number of patents granted for paper towel and toilet paper designs). I also have experience in a law library setting.

I earned a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a B.A. in Speech Communications from the University of New Mexico.

I enjoy gardens, music, movies, books, and Siberian Huskies.

Last Updated: 05/04/03
Ron Larson