T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 7-8

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maayaa! vaamanaNnE!* madhuchoothaa! neeyaruLaay,*
theeyaay neeraay nilanaay* vichumpaayk kaalaay,*
thaayaay thandhaiyaay* makkaLaay maRRumaay muRRumaay,*
neeyaay neenNinRavaaRu* ivai enna niyaayangaLE! (2)	7.8.1

1. Oh MaayavanE! (Mysterious Lord!) The One who does great wonderful acts!
The One who appeared as short Vaamanan! MadhusoodhanA! You ARE the One who
directs as the Nirvaahaghan (master) and is the Pancha bhUthAs of the
world, namely Fire, Water,  Earth, Space and the Air. You are the One who
comes as Mothers, Fathers, and all other relatives to help the people. You
ARE the One who stays inside the ChEtanAs and achEtanAs and directs them.
Thus, even though You exist in so many forms, YOU STILL EXIST IN YOUR
Divya MangaLa ThirumEni (Divine FORM) TOO at Sri Vaikuntam. (That is
VisishtAdvaitam!) What a WONDER YOU ARE to exist in so many forms,

angaN malarththaN thuzaaymudi* achchuthaNnE!aruLaay,*
thingaLum NYaayiRumaaych* chezumpal chudaraay iruLaay,*
pongu pozimazaiyaayp* pukazaay paziyaayp pinnumnNee,
vengaN veNGkooRRamumaam* ivai enna vichiththiramE!	7.8.2

2. Oh AchuthA! The One who has Honey dripping Beautiful flowers and
Coolest Fragrant ThuLasi on Your Head! You ARE the One who shows as the
Sun and the Moon! and as the bright stars as well! You are also exist as
the Darkness! You ARE the One the rains! You are the fame as well as
blame! You ARE the One who is Yaman too!  What a WONDER YOU ARE

chiththirath thErvalavaa!* thiruchchakkaraththaay!aruLaay,*
eththanaiyOrukamum* avaiyaay avaRRuL iyalum,*
oththavoN palporuLkaL* ulappillana vaayviyavaay,*
viththagaththaay nNiRRi nee* ivai enna vitamangaLE!	7.8.3

3. Oh Parthasaarathy! The One who drove the Chariot in the Battlefield of
KurukshEthram! You, The possessor of the Most Beautiful, Most Strongest
ChakrAyudham, ARE the Chief for all YughAs and time immemorial! Since the
Beginning, You ARE the Director as anthryaami and also the creator of
differences and similarities as well in anything and everything that You
create! (like DevAs, Human are all jIvans; but are of different categories
still! the jIvAtmA in you and I are same, but are still different from
each other! they still form part of the whole Sriman Narayanan as His
SarIram!) YOU ARE SUCH A MARVEL! Such a wonder You are who is so
mysterious and maayavan! who is flabbergasting everyone else with Your

kaLLaviz thaamaraikkaN* kaNNaNnE! enakkonRaruLaay,*
uLLadhum illadhumaay* ulappillana vaayviyavaay,*
veLLath thatangataluL*vita naagaNai mElmaruvi,*
uLLappal yOkucheythi* ivai enna upaayangaLE!	7.8.4

4. BhagawaanE! The One who has the eyes, like that of just  blossomed
Honey filled Lovely red Lotus flower! You are directing both Permanent and
non permanent beings/objects; (You are the perishable achit and Non
perishable chit). You ARE lying down on AdhisEshan at ThiruppaaRkadal, and
are thinking on various acts/measures and strategies to protect and save
the world! (one such is this e-mail group, Sisters and Brothers!) (Since
there are millions of varieties of chEtanAs, He has to act varieties of
strategies, for each one!) What a Great Lord You ARE! What all methods You
adopt for saving us! Please show mercy on me and show me to comprehend
Your methods and means of such wonderful acts! (Since You are Omniscient,
only You can understand that!)

paachangaL neekki* enNnai unakkE aRak koNtittu,*nNee
vaacha malarththaN thuzaaymudi* maayavaNnE!aruLaay,*
kaayamum cheevanumaayk*kazivaayp piRappaayp pinnumnNee,*
maayangaL cheydhuvaiththi* ivaiyenna mayakkukkaLE!	7.8.5

5. (This pAsuram is the BEST One!) BhagawaanE! MaayavanE! The One who
adorns the Head with Most Fragrant Thirutthuzhaay Garland! You
simultaneously co exist as both the SarIram (Body) and the AthmA who
directs that! You exist as both Births and Deaths as well! You ARE the One
who removed my ajjnAnam (ignorance) and vibharItha jnAnam (wrong
knowledge) and changed me into Your eternal servant! Even after that, YOU
is this ACT of Yours? What is this mystery of Yours to do such a strategy
on me, Your servant? Why My Dear Father? I apprehend that You are PLANNING
to desert me in this samsaara saagaram! Please have mercy on me!
(Excellent! Isn't it?)

mayakkaa! vaamanaNnE!* mathiyaam vaNNam onRaruLaay,*
ayarppaayth thERRamumaay*azalaayk kuLiraayviyavaay,*
viyappaay venRikaLaay*vinaiyaayp payaNnaayp pinnumnNee,*
thuyakkaay neenNinRavaaRu* ivai enna thuyarangaLE!	7.8.6

6. Without any partiality, any bias, You protect and enslave anyone who
reaches You and surrenders to You. Oh VaamanA! (When You appeared as
Vaamanan, one can see that You are capable of such stupefying acts that
enchant them!) You should bless me with clear knowledge about You and
remove my ajjnAnam! You are the One who is both forgetfulness as well as
the Clear mind! You are both fire as well as the Cool water! You ARE THE
ONE who is THE WONDER ITSELF as well as the Objects of such wonders!  You,
who shows Himself as the Success, ARE the One who is the PuNya paapa
karmAs and their consequences too. You ARE The One to grant jnAnam to Your
devotees that gives tremendous sorrows/confusion to Your devotees about
such wonderful, mysterious acts of Yours. Thus, Your existence simply
stupefies us! (may be out of context? This reminds me of recent Tamil Poet
KaNNa daasan, (a Krishna bhakthA) who wrote : "piRappaal varuvadhu
yaadhenak kEttEn; piRandhu paar ena iRaivan PaNitthaan; iRappaal varuvadhu
yaadhenak kEttEn; iRandhu paar ena iRaivan PaNitthaan ; anubhavippadhu
naan thaanE enil aaNdavanE nee yEn?  enak kEttEn. ANdavan saRRu aruginil
vandhu anubhavam enbhadhE naan thaan enRaan"..... Meaning: I asked the
Lord "What is that which comes of birth?" the Lord ordered "Be born and
you will see."  I asked the Lord "What is that which comes of death?" the
Lord ordered "Be dead and you will see." I asked "then, why are You there,
Lord! if everything is to be experienced by us only;" The LORD CAME NEARER

thuyarangaL cheyyungaNNaa!*chudar neeNmudiyaay aruLaay,*
thuyaramchey maanangaLaay*madhaNnaagi ukavaikaLaay,*
thuyaramchey kaamangaLaayth*thulaiyaay nNilaiyaay nNataiyaay,*
thuyarangaL cheydhuvaiththi* ivaiyenna chuNtaayangaLE.	7.8.7

7. KaNNA! You are the creator of all sorrows! (that is great!- He is the
one who starts off everything to pull us into these samsaaric ills! with
prakritti maNdalam, karmAs, etc.. etc..! He is upaayam and upEyam for our
redemption!) "thuyaranghaL seyyum KaNNA!" BhagawaanE! The Dense Long Black
curly haired Lord! You are the One who instilled the thinking in me, which
gives me sorrows! (It is not the thinking of "I am Your eternal servant";
but of the egoistic thinking of "I am the free, independent person, who is
everything and Brahman Himself" is what gives sorrows!). You are that
False pride in oneself and the illusory pleasure and false happiness that
one derives by being so! You are the Desire that one has for longing for
earthly, materialistic pleasures. You are the stationary and moving
objects. (sthaavaram and janghamam). You are the  One who directs being
stationary and being mobile, for sthaavaram and janghamam. You are so much
of an actor and Director. I can NOT comprehend Your actions, that give us
such various samsaaric sorrows.  ARE ALL THESE ACTS OF YOURS MADE FOR YOUR
SELFISH MOTIVES? Please tell me all.

ennacsundaayangaLaal* ninRittaay ennaiyaaLumkaNNaa,*
innathOr thanmaiyai enRu* unnaiyaavarkkum thERRariyai,*
munniya moovulakum*avaiyaay avaRRaippataiththu,*
pinnum uLLaay!puRaththaay*!ivai enna iyaRkaikaLE!	7.8.8

8. KaNNA! The One who enslaves me! What all leelAs are You Playing there!
No one knows. Even a Great jnAnI can not fully understand You.  You are
such Grandest, Wonderful Lord! You are the Cause of all things and are the
One who is staying in the Objects of all three worlds! (or You exist as
the athmA of all three types of beings (bhatthar, mukthar and nithyar).
You are there inside and outside as well. Like that the objects, the
athmAs- You exist everywhere both inside and outside.  (anthar
bahitschathath sarva vyApya NarayaNasthithah:). For all of us- This is an
Accharyam! (A Great wonder!) How is it possible for You to be like this,-
totally completely incomprehensible?

enna iyaRkaikaLaal* eNGNGaNnE nNinRittaay en_gaNNaa,*
thunnu karacharaNam muthalaaga* ellaavuRuppum*
unnu chuvaiyoLi* ooRoli naaRRam muRRumnNeeyE,*
unnai uNaravuRil* ulappillai nuNukkangaLE.	7.8.9

9. My KaNNA! How are You staying There and with what nature and what sort?
The hands- legs- all parts of the body are all You only. The desirous
longing of sense organs, namely, taste, seeing, touch, smell and sound are
also spanned by You. When we try to know You, it keeps on continuing;
there is no ending. It is unbounded, limitless, spanning of You in
everything. (Here AzhwAr says: Emperumaan has KarmEndhriyAs, jnAnEndriyAs
and five sense organs as His vibhUtIs).

illai nuNukkangaLE* ithaNnil piRithennum vaNNam*
thollai nannoolil chonna* uruvum aruvum nNeeyE:*
allith thuzaayalaNGkal*aNimaarba! en achchuthanE,*
vallathOr vaNNamchonnaal*adhuvE unakku aamvaNNamE.	7.8.10

10. As the very old apaurushEya vEdas proclaim, You are the formless chit
(jIvathmA) and the physical achit (achEthanAs). Oh PiraanE! The One who
has the Most Fragrant Thuzhaay Garland on Your Chest! My achuthA!  (The
One who shows Himself at Paramapadham!) We can never attempt to measure
Your Glories and wonders in words; TO WHATEVER EXTENT ONE DESCRIBES YOUR
Sowlabhyan! Sowseelyan!

aamvaNNam innathonRenRu* aRivadhariya ariyai,*
aamvaNNaththaal*kurukoorch chatakOpan aRindhuraiththa*
aamvaNNa oN_thamizhgaL* ivai aayiraththuL ippaththum,*
aamvaNNaththaal uraippaar* amainNthaar dhamakkenRaikkumE. (2)	7.8.11

11. He is like this or that- The One who can NOT be so categorically known
or understood- about such Emperumaan- Sri SadagOpar has sung in the most
fitting (to Him and His Glories) 1000 Tamil Pasurams. Those who read these

T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 7-8

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