Remembering Casper
Major John M. Walsh

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Larry Walsh, John's father:  John was the son I always wanted.  Somewhere along the way, he also became my best friend.

John had many families.   This one was most important...

[From the eulogy given by his sister Amy]
"You were such a terrific uncle to Ethan and Griffin.  You always took such an interest in the latest thing they were doing.  I will and already do miss calling you to tell you their newest accomplishment! Griffin will never really know his Uncle John, only what we tell him.  But we will tell him how much you loved him!  Ethan, on the other hand, will hopefully remember his "Uncle Dahnt," his "best friend," as he would say.  You were really just beginning to be able to "hang out" together.  On one of your last visits, there were 3 since November, you and Ethan took off to the Air Museum, just the 2 of you.  I remember thinking how special that was.  You had e-mailed Dad and told him of your joy at your first real "conversation" with Ethan on the phone.  You were becoming buddies. You had planned to come out and take him to a horse show this February, a happy tomorrow to be missed out on.  If his memory of you fades, we will tell him about your love.  We will remind him of joy he brought you."

[From the eulogy given by his father Larry
"He was a wonderful son to his mother.  When Kay was sick from cancer, she and Amy came out to CA to see John.  He showed them all around S. CA.  They had a wonderful time.  This was not too long after the movie Pretty Woman came out.  John took them to Rodeo Drive.  He asked if they wanted to shop.  Kay said it was too expensive.  John reached into his pocket and handed her a roll of bills - $500-600.  'I want you to buy something' he told her.  Kay came home and cracked me on the side of the head.  'Why don't YOU do something like that?'"
Eulogy by Larry Walsh
Eulogy by Amy Walsh

Below is a quote John liked (not sure where the quote came from) that was in his grandfather's Bible:

"In our passage through the fog, we are limited only by the kind of faith we have.  We are just as effective, just as strong, just as fearless, just as victorious over handicap and circumstance as our faith.  Never mind whether you understand.  You will never have all your questions answered.

What is important is that you are sure of God, that you go in the right direction, that you follow the white line of inner guidance; that you conquer doubts and distractions by surrendering your will to God.  So you will arrive at the proper destination, and you will discover then that it was your faith alone that brought you through."

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