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Sean, Sylvia, Alex

Sean: Athlete, NC native, activist. "I'm an athlete (softball, hiking, volleyball, weight-lifting), a licensed clinical social worker and therapist, a North Carolina native, an activist. I love to read, to go to the movies, to be outdoors, and most of all to spend time with my family and friends. I'm gay: Many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (lgbt) people are not able to make such a statement out of fear for their jobs, their safety, or alienation of friends or family. I count myself as very fortunate -- I have a family and friends who embrace me for all of who I am. I have a job where I am openly gay, where people feel comfortable asking me questions to better serve our lgbt clients. I wanted to be on a billboard because I believe that since I can be open about being gay that I have a responsibility to do so for the good of our community. As more and more people get to know lgbt people as family, friends, and vital community members, understanding and acceptance will continue to grow."

Sylva: Humorous, liberal, woodworker. "Actually for me this wasn't about "coming out". I already am out. This was about "stepping up" when called. I completely believe, like the poet said, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem".

Alex: Father, minister and teacher.... Friend, lover, first born PK, traveler, wanderer, lover of life, mystic...who still likes to play. "Since coming out in 1992, I've done what I could to be completely out. I'm happy with whom I am and glad to share with others of the grace filled gifts of my life, including my sexuality."

  Triad Equality Alliance ● P.O. Box 19842 Greensboro, NC 27419 ●  info@triadequality.org

Tea is part of EqualityNC Project,
a 501(c)(3) group.

website © 2004
by Triad Equality Alliance