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Online Library of Selected Images:
-- EVENTS -- The Korean War, 1950-1953 --

United Nations and Republic of Korea Forces --
Republic of Korea Forces

The Republic of Korea (ROK) was a special case among the allies of the United States in the Korean War. The conflict largely took place on its soil, and its civilian population suffered deeply in the process. Its military often outnumbered those of any of the foreign ground forces fighting on its side, but much of it required extensive training and seasoning before it could meet its enemies with a reliable chance of prevailing. Finally, The ROK Government, led by the autocratic old Korean patriot Syngman Rhee, had its own war goals, which frequently were in deep conflict with those of the United Nations and of the United States.

This page provides images of Republic of Korea naval and military personnel, plus links related to other ROK Korean War subjects, including:

  • Republic of Korea Civil Leadership and Civilian Population;
  • Republic of Korea Naval Forces & Naval Operations;
  • Republic of Korea Ground Forces & Ground Operations.
  • Republic of Korea Naval & Military Training;

    See also Korean War -- Preliminary Activities for other views related to the topic of this page.

    For pictorial coverage of the Korean War activities of the combatant members of the United Nations, see:

  • United Nations and Republic of Korea Forces -- Overview and Special Image Selection.

    For a precis of our Korean War images, and links to more comprehensive pictorial coverage of that conflict, see:

  • The Korean War, June 1950 - July 1953 -- Introductory Overview and Special Image Selection.

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions.

    Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

    Photo #: NH 97048

    "The ROKs Have a Fighting Navy"

    "The Republic of Korea has a Navy of approximately 50 ships and ten thousand officers and men. Whatever the ROKs lack in numbers they more than make up for in fighting spirit. To the ROKs falls the lion's share of the close-inshore patrol and blockade of the long Korean coastline, a job that calls for their shallow draft craft and their aggressive sailors. Commando and behind-the-lines operations are a day in and day out job of the ROK Navy and Marine Corps. Patterned after U.S. Navy organization, the ROK Navy - man for man and ship for ship - compares favorably with any in the world."
    "Typical of the ROK Navy man is Hyun Moo Sup, gunner's mate first class, now on duty at the Chinhae naval reservation training other gunner's mate strikers."
    This photograph and caption were released by Commander, Naval Forces Far East under date of 18 June 1951.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the "All Hands" collection at the Naval Historical Center.

    Online Image: 92KB; 590 x 765 pixels

    Photo #: NH 97016

    Pusan, Republic of Korea

    "Tough Korean Navy guards help maintain order in the port of Pusan, Korea. These men were trained in their duties by the U.S. Navy."
    The original photograph was released by Commander, Naval Forces, Far East, and is dated 31 December 1950.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the "All Hands" collection at the Naval Historical Center.

    Online Image: 97KB; 610 x 765 pixels

    Photo #: 80-G-424557

    Lieutenant(Junior Grade) Alvin L. Short, USN
    (left) and
    Lieutenant Commander Kyu Nam Chu, Republic of Korea Navy

    Discuss minesweeping operations while on board USS Dixie (AD-14), in Korean Waters.
    The original photo is dated 22 November 1950.
    LtJG Short commanded USS Merganser (AMS-26) during initial Korean War service, beginning with her deployment from Guam in mid-September 1950.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

    Online Image: 82KB; 740 x 610 pixels

    Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.

    Photo #: 80-G-448046

    USS Ajax (AR-6)

    Lieutenant Commander Kyusup Chung, Republic of Korea Navy, a passenger aboard Ajax, conducts a course in spoken Japanese for U.S. officers and men, while the repair ship was en route to Japan for her second Korean War deployment, September 1952.
    Japanese words are written on the blackboard in both "Romanji" and "Katakana".
    Note loudspeaker and basketball net mounted on the next deck up.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

    Online Image: 109KB; 740 x 605 pixels

    Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.

    Photo #: 80-G-449041

    USS Ajax (AR-6)

    Lieutenant Commander Kyusup Chung, Republic of Korea Navy, a passenger aboard Ajax, conducts a course in spoken Japanese for U.S. officers, while the repair ship was en route to Japan for her second Korean War deployment, September 1952.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

    Online Image: 120KB; 740 x 625 pixels

    Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.

    Photo #: 80-G-430829

    Commander Michael J. Luosey, USN
    Deputy Commander, Republic of Korea Naval Forces

    At Pusan, South Korea.
    Photo is dated 18 June 1951.
    He had been placed in operational charge of the ROK Navy on 9 July 1950, in the absence of the Navy's Commander, and subsequently served as its Deputy Commander until 1 June 1952.
    LST behind him bears the side number "QO21".

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

    Online Image: 100KB; 740 x 615 pixels

    Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.

    Photo #: 80-G-432028

    Korean War Armistice Negotiations

    United Nations' delegates stand by a U.S. Air Force H-5 helicopter with General Matthew B. Ridgway, U.S. Army, Commander in Chief United Nations Command, prior to take off for the initial Armistice talks meeting, 10 July 1951. They are (from left to right):
    Rear Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, USN,
    Major General Laurence C. Cragie, U.S. Air Force,
    Major General Paik Sun Yup, Republic of Korea Army,
    Vice Admiral C. Turner Joy, USN, Chief Delegate,
    General Ridgway, and
    Major Henry I. Hodes, U.S. Army.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

    Online Image: 120KB; 740 x 635 pixels

    Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.

    Photo #: 80-G-436371

    Korean War Armistice Negotiations, Panmunjom, Korea

    United Nations' delegates to the conference, 30 November 1951.
    They are (from left to right):
    Major General Howard Turner, USAF
    Major General Lee, Republic of Korea Army
    Vice Admiral C. Turner Joy, USN, Senior Delegate
    Rear Admiral Ruthven E. Libby, USN
    Major General Henry I. Hodes, U.S. Army, and
    Rear Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, USN
    RAdm. Libby was RAdm. Burke's relief on the delegation.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

    Online Image: 89KB; 740 x 600 pixels

    Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.

    Photo #: 80-G-424634

    USNS Fred C. Ainsworth (T-AP-181)

    Navy surgeons operate on two Korean soldiers, as the transport lay in Hungnam harbor on 16 December 1950, during the evacuation of that North Korean port.
    Photographed by R.A. Schreiber.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives.

    Online Image: 115KB; 740 x 620 pixels

    Reproductions of this image may also be available through the National Archives photographic reproduction system.


    This page provides images of Republic of Korea naval and military personnel, plus links related to other ROK Korean War subjects, including:

  • Republic of Korea Civil Leadership and Civilian Population;
  • Republic of Korea Naval Forces & Naval Operations;
  • Republic of Korea Ground Forces & Ground Operations.
  • Republic of Korea Naval & Military Training;

    See also Korean War -- Preliminary Activities for other views related to the topic of this page.

    For pictorial coverage of the Korean War activities of the combatant members of the United Nations, see:

  • United Nations and Republic of Korea Forces -- Overview and Special Image Selection.

    For a precis of our Korean War images, and links to more comprehensive pictorial coverage of that conflict, see:

  • The Korean War, June 1950 - July 1953 -- Introductory Overview and Special Image Selection.

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions.

    Return to Naval Historical Center home page.

    17 September 2000