Lighthouses of Indonesia: Anambas and Natuna

The Republic of Indonesia has been independent since 1945 after having been the Dutch East Indies for more than 350 years. It is a huge country, stretching along both sides of the Equator for more than 46 degrees of longitude (roughly 5100 km or 3200 miles). Comprised of some 17,000 islands (more than 6000 inhabited islands), it has hundreds of major aids to navigation.

Indonesia is divided into 38 provinces (provinsi) and the provinces are subdivided into county units called regencies (kabupaten). The Riau Islands Province includes four groups of small islands located between Sumatra and Kalimantan (Borneo). The Riau group is south of Singapore and off the east coast of Sumatra; the Lingga group is farther south, straddling the Equator in the Karimata Strait; the Anambas group is off the east coast of West Malaysia; and the Natuna group is northwest of Sarawak in East Malaysia. In all there are more than 3000 islands in the province. This page lists lighthouses of the Anambas and Natuna Islands, part of the archipelago known in Indonesia as the Tudjuh Islands. The southern extension of the South China Sea surrounding these islands and extending south between Malaya and Borneo is now called the Natuna Sea, a name recognized by the International Hydrographic Organization in 1986.

Other pages for Riau Islands Province cover Karimun and Batam and Bintan and Lingga.

More than 700 languages are spoken in Indonesia. The official national language, Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia), was standardized from a form of Malay that served as a lingua franca across the archipelago. In Indonesian a lighthouse is a mercusuar or a menara suar. Tanjung is a cape, ujung is a headland or point of land, bukit is a hill, sungai is a river, kuala or muara is an estuary or river mouth, pulau is an island, karang is a reef, batu is a rock, laut is a sea, selat is a strait, teluk is a bay, pelabuhan is a harbor, and labuhan is a port.

Aids to navigation in Indonesia are operated and maintained by the Directorate of Marine Navigation within the Directorate General of Sea Transportation.

ARLHS numbers are from the ARLHS World List of Lights. Admiralty numbers are from volume F of the Admiralty List of Lights & Fog Signals. U.S. NGA List numbers are from Publication 112.

General Sources
Garis Depan Nusantara - Kepulauan Riau
This site, no longer online, was the source for several of the photos on this page. The Indonesian name means "frontier archipelago," and the site concentrated on remote islands where Indonesian sovereignty might be in question.
World of Lighthouses - Indonesia
Photos by various photographers available from
Indonesian Lighthouses
Historic postcard views from the collection of Michel Forand.
Online List of Lights - Indonesia
Photos by various photographers posted by Alexander Trabas.
Navigation chart information for the Natuna Sea.
Navionics Charts
Navigation chart for the Natuna Sea.
Tokong Nanas Light
Pulau Tokong Nanas Light, Anambas Islands, June 2013
ex-Panoramio photo by Taufik Hidayatullah; used by permission

Anambas Islands Regency Lighthouses

The Anambas Islands are an archipelago in the Natuna Sea about 250-350 km (160-220 mi) northeast of the Malayan coast. The largest islands in the group are Jemaja in the southwest and a group of islands in the north that includes Mubur, Matak, and Siantan. The islands have a population of about 54,000 and are governed as a regency of Riau Islands Province.

Southwestern Islands (Pulau Jemaja Area) Lighthouses
Pulau Malang Biru (Tokong Malangbiru) (1)
Date unknown. Abandoned. Approx. 11 m (36 ft) octagonal concrete tower with eight ribs. Lantern removed. Originally the upper half of the tower was painted white and the lower half black. but only a few traces of the paint remain. Mursid Wijanarko's 2020 closeup photo is at right, Xinlu Liu has a 2018 view from the sea, another view is available, and Bing has an indistinct satellite view. This lighthouse would have had a focal plane of at least 40 m (131 ft). Malang Biru, the southernmost island of the Anambas group, is an isolated rock about 65 km (40 mi) south southwest of the main Anambas group and 175 km (110 mi) northeast of Singapore Strait. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown.
Pulau Malang Biru (Tokong Malangbiru) (2)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 16 m (52 ft); white flash every 4 s. NGA describes the current light only as a "white beacon." No photo available. The light must be on the lower southeastern end of the rock but available photos do not show it. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1831; NGA 21097.5.
Pulau Repong
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 22 m (72 ft); four white flashes every 12 s. Described only as a "white beacon." No photo available but the light is possibly seen in Bing's indistinct satellite view. Located on the west side of a small island about 50 km (30 mi) south of the main Anambas group. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1830.8; NGA 21097.6.
Pulau Damar
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 88 m (289 ft); white flash every 3 s. 10 m (33 ft) white fiberglass tower. No photo available and the lighthouse is not seen in Bing's satellite view. Pulau Damar is the westernmost island of the Anambas group and is an important landmark for vessels bound to or from Singapore. The light has a listed range of 40 km (25 mi). Located on a small island about 30 km (19 mi) west southwest of Pulau Jemaja. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1828; NGA 21097.

Tokong Malangbiru Light, Anambas Islands, October 2020
Google Maps photo by Mursid Wijanarko
Pulau Mangkai
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 196 m (343 ft); three white flashes every 15 s. 40 m (131 ft) square iron skeletal tower with lantern and gallery, painted white. At least three 1-story Coast Guard station buildings. No photo available but Bing has a good satellite view of the station. Mangkal is a mountainous island about 6 km (3.5 mi) in length located off the northwestern tip of Pulau Jemaja. Located on the highest point of the island. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1832; NGA 21096.
Pulau Tulai
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 25 m (82 ft); white flash every 6 s. Approx. 15 m (49 ft) white tower. No photo available but Bing has a distant satellite view. Located on a small island off Letung, the principal town of Pulau Jemaja. Accessible only by boat. Admiralty F1830.5; NGA 21096.7.
Letung (Letong)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 60 m (197 ft); white flash every 6 s. 10 m (33 ft) white fiberglass tower. No photo available and the lighthouse has not been found in Google's satellite view. Letung is the principal town of Pulau Jemaja, located on the northwest side of the island. Located on heights above the town. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1830; NGA 21096.5.
Tanjung Lelan
Date unknown. Inactive since 2022. No description in NGA, but this is (or was) probably a skeletal tower. perhaps 20 m (66 ft) tall. No photo available and the light has not been found in Bing's satellite view. Located on heights at the southern tip of Pulau Jemaja. Accessible only by boat. ex-Admiralty F1830.55; NGA 21096.8.

Northeastern Islands (Pulau Siantan Area) Lighthouses
Pulau Tokong Belayer
2006. Active; focal plane 40 m (131 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 30 m (98 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, mounted on a square concrete equipment shelter. Lighthouse painted white. Taufik Temanggung's photo is at right, a 2009 photo is available, and Google has an indistinct satellite view. Located on a rocky reef at the northern tip of the Anambas archipelago. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1835.8.

Pulau Tokong Belayer Light, Anambas Islands, June 2013
Google Maps photo
posted by Taufik Temanggung
Pulau Tokong Nanas
2006. Active; focal plane 40 m (131 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 30 m (98 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, mounted on a square concrete equipment shelter. Lighthouse painted white. Taufik Hidayatullah's photo is at the top of this page and Google has a satellite view. Located on a rocky reef about 25 km (15 mi) northwest of Tanjung Pedas. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1835.5.
Tanjung Pedas
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 82 m (269 ft); white flash every 4 s. 40 m (131 ft) skeletal tower, painted white. At least five 1-story Coast Guard station buildings. No photo available but Bing has a satellite view of the station. This lighthouse guides vessels to Terempa, the principal town of the islands. Located at the northwestern tip of Siantan, one of the major islands of the Anambas group. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1835; NGA 21117.
Terempa Entrance
Date unknown. Active; focal plane about 13 m (43 ft); green light, pattern unknown. Approx. 13 m (43 ft) square green skeletal tower mounted on a square platform support by piles. Agri Aditya has a distant view across the harbor (tower to the right of center) and Google has an indistinct satellite view. Located on a shoal obstructing the west side of the entrance to the main harbor of Terempa. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1836.
* Terempa (2)
Around 2015. Active; focal plane about 22 m (72 ft); white light, pattern unknown. Approx. 22 m (72 ft) square white skeletal tower mounted on a platform supported by piles. Deden Hamdani's photo of the new lighthouse is at right, Ronny Ars also has a photo, Junaidi Aprizal Encik has a closeup, Rury Dermawan has a distant street view, and Google has a satellite view. The earlier light was a round barbell-shaped tower, also mounted on a square platform supported by piles (the platform of the first light is at lower right in Hamdani's photo). Agregasi Haluan Kepri has a photo of the first light. Located on the waterfront of Terempa, the principal town of the islands and capital of the Anambas Islands Regency. Located on the north side of Siantan. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1836.3; NGA 21120.
[Terempa Northeast]
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 6 m (20 ft); green light, 3 s on, 2.5 s off. 6 m (20 ft) green post. A photo is available and the light is seen near the center of Arip Supriyadi's photo but it is not seen in Google's satellite view. The light guides vessels into Terempa's eastern harbor. Located off the Anambas Resort. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1836.1; NGA 21121.

Terempa Light, Terempa, May 2017
Google Maps photo by Deden Hamdani
Date unknown. Active; focal plane about 15 m (49 ft); white light, pattern unknown. Approx. 15 m (49 ft) square skeletal tower on a square concrete base. No photo available but Google has an indistinct satellite view. The light guides ships to Bandara Matak, site of a ConocoPhillips facility on Matak Island that includes the only airport in the islands. Located on the southwest point of Pulau Baruk, a small island about 4 km (2.5 mi) north of the airport. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1836.4.

Southeastern Islands (Pulau Airabu Area) Lighthouses
Pulau Nunsa
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 25 m (82 ft); four white flashes every 20 s. Approx. 15 m (49 ft) square skeletal tower, painted white. No photo available but Google has a satellite view. Located at the south end of a small island at the southeastern end of an archipelago stretching southeastward from the major island of Siantan. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1834; NGA 21097.8.
Pulau Serak
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 22 m (72 ft); four white flashes every 20 s. Approx. 12 m (39 ft) square skeletal tower, painted white. No photo available, but Google has a satellite view. Located on the west side of a small island about halfway between the major islands of Jemaja and Airabu. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1830.6; NGA 21097.7.
Pulau Ritan
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 17 m (56 ft); white flash every 6 s. 17 m (56 ft) white skeletal (?) tower mounted on a platform supported by piles. No photo available and the light is barely visible in Google's satellite view. Located on a reef off Pulau Ritan, a small island at the southeastern corner of the Anambas Islands. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1830.7; NGA 21097.65.

Natuna Regency Lighthouses

The Natuna Islands are located in the Natuna Sea about 325 km (200 mi) off the coast of Borneo. Natuna Besar (Great Natuna Island) is by far the largest island of the group. The islands have a population of about 82,000.

North Natuna Islands (Pulau Laut Area) Lighthouses
Pulau Sekatung (Sekatoeng, Tanjung Pala)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 98 m (322 ft); white light occulting once every 3 s. 30 m (98 ft) skeletal tower with gallery, painted white. Several 1-story keeper's houses or other station buildings. A photo is at right, another photo is available, a 2020 photo shows the station and the lower section of the tower, and Google has a satellite view of the station. This light marks the northernmost point of the Natuna group; it is Indonesia's northernmost light in the South China Sea. Located on a small island off the northeastern tip of Pulau Laut ("Sea Island"), about 120 km (75 mi) north of Natuna Besar (Great Natuna). Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1836.5; NGA 21112.
Pulau Sebetul (Sekapul)
2006. Active; focal plane 34 m (112 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 30 m (98 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, mounted on a square concrete equipment building. A photo is available (#3 on the page) and Google has a satellite view. Built on a rocky reef off the southwestern tip of Pulau Laut, the reef is now enclosed by breakwaters in a project to expand the island. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1836.55.
Pulau Semiun (Semium)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 160 m (525 ft); white flash every 5 s. Approx. 40 m (131 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, painted white. Numerous station buildings. Adonovan D. Sandri has a view from the sea, a more distant view from the sea is available, and Bing has a satellite view of the station. Located atop a small high island 40 km (25 mi) southwest of Pulau Laut and about 80 km (50 mi) northwest of the northern point of Natuna Besar. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1836.6; NGA 21114.
Sekatung Light
Sekatung Light, Natuna Islands, September 2008
Creative Commons photo by Deni Sambas posted by Garis Depan Nusantara

Middle Natuna Islands (Pulau Natuna Besar Area) Lighthouses
Natuna Besar (Great Natuna), also called Bunguran Besar, is by far the largest of the Natuna Sea islands with a diameter of nearly 50 km (30 mi) and a population of more than 50,000.
Pulau Tokong Boro (Tokongboro)
2006. Active; focal plane 34 m (112 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 30 m (98 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, mounted on a square concrete equipment shelter. Lighthouse painted white. A photo is at right but the island is barely visible in Google's satellite view. Located on a rocky reef about 55 km (35 mi) west of Natuna Besar. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1836.9.
Pulau Seluan (Saluan)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 38 m (125 ft); four white flashes every 15 s. Approx. 15 m (49 ft) square skeletal tower, painted white. Raja Darmika has a photo taken inside the tower and Google has a distant satellite view. Located at the south end of Seluan, an island about 18 km (11 mi) west of Natuna Besar. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1836.8; NGA 21101.
Pulau Senua (Senoa)
2006. Active; focal plane about 46 m (151 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 30 m (98 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, painted white, rising from a large square station building. A 2018 photo, a 2022 photo, another photo and a distant view from the sea are available, and Google has a satellite view. Located on an island about 7 km (4 mi) north northeast of Tanjung Senubing, off the east coast of Natuna Besar. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1836.65.
Tanjung Sinumbing (Senubing, Senoebing)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 106 m (348 ft); white flash every 10 s. 20 m (66 ft) square skeletal tower with lantern and gallery, painted white; lantern painted red. Several large station buildings. Kawi Boedisetio has a photo, part of the tower is seen in Jimmy Syahrasyid's photo of the station entrance, the top of the tower is seen in Mursid Wijanarko's photo, and Google has a satellite view of the station. Located on heights at the easternmost point of Natuna Besar. Site open, and apparently the tower can be climbed. Admiralty F1836.7; NGA 21108.
Karang Setahi (Pulau Setahi, Pulau Setai)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 13 m (43 ft); white flash every 4 s. 13 m (43 ft) barbell-shaped white fiberglass tower mounted on a square platform supported by piles. No photo available but Google has a satellite view. This light marks the southern entrance to the Lampa Strait, a narrow passage around the southwestern end of Pulau Natuna Besar that leads to the principal port of Sedanau. Located just off the northeastern coast of Pulau Setahi. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1837.8; NGA 21106.
Karang Burung
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 13 m (43 ft); white flash every 3 s. 13 m (43 ft) square white skeletal tower on a square platform supported by piles. No photo available but Google has a distant satellite view. Located on a reef at the west end of the Lampa Strait. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1837.65; NGA 21104.5.

Tokong Boro Light, Natuna Islands, September 2008
anonymous Creative Commons photo
originally posted by Garis Depan Nusantara
Karang Sedanau
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 15 m (49 ft); white flash every 4 s. 15 m (49 ft) white fiberglass (?) tower on a square platform supported by piles. No photo available but Google has a satellite view. Located on a reef south of Pulau Sedanau off the southwest coast of Natuna Besar. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1837.6; NGA 21104.
* [Sedanau]
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 12.5 m (41 ft); white flash every 3 s. 12.5 m (41 ft) white post on a small platform supported by piles. Bourne Eskace has a 2016 photo, Zavha Arkhan has a 2023 photo, Google has a satellite view. Located at Sedanau, a town on the east coast of Sedanau Island off the west coast of Natuna Besar. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1837; NGA 21102.

South Natuna Islands (Pulau Midai, Subi Islands, and Pulau Serasan Area) Lighthouses
Pulau Midai
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 158 m (518 ft); white flash every 20 s. 30 m (98 ft) square pyramidal skeletal tower, painted white. No photo available but Google has a satellite view of the station. Pulau Midai is an isolated high island in the South Natuna group about 130 km (80 mi) southwest of Natuna Besar. Located on the highest point of the island. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1838; NGA 21100.
* Pelabuhan Pulau Midai
Date unknown. Active; focal plane about 11 m (36 ft); three white flashes every 10 s. Approx. 11 m (36 ft) square white skeletal tower with gallery. Guntur Yudha Prawira has the 2018 photo at right and Google has a fuzzy satellite view. Located on the pier at the Pulau Midai settlement, on the northwestern tip of the island. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1838.3; NGA 21098.
Karang Jackson
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 15 m (49 ft); white flash every 5 s. 15 m (49 ft) square skeletal tower mounted on a square platform supported by piles. Lighthouse painted red, not white as listed by NGA. Sayuti Malik has a photo (fourth photo on the page) and Google has a satellite view. Located just off the southeastern tip of Pulau Midai. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1838.35; NGA 21100.1.
Pulau Subi Kecil (Subi-kechil)
Date unknown (station established 1910). Active; focal plane 83 m (272 ft); three white flashes every 15 s. 22 m (72 ft) skeletal tower, painted white. Four coast guard station buildings. A closeup 2022 photo is available and Google has a satellite view of the station. Pulau Subi Kecil is a small island in the South Natuna group, just north of Subi Besar and about 130 km (80 mi) southeast of Natuna Besar. Located on the highest point of the island. Site status unknown. ARLHS IDO-182; Admiralty F1844; NGA 25108.
Pulau Seraya (Seraja)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 97 m (318 ft); white flash every 6 s. Approx. 40 m (131 ft) tapered square skeletal tower with lantern and gallery. Lighthouse painted white. Several 1-story Coast Guard station buildings. No photo available but Bing has a satellite view of the station. Located on a promontory on the west coast of Pulau Seraya, an island about 30 km (19 mi) southwest of Pulau Subi Besar. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1845; NGA 25107.

Pelabuhan Light, Pulau Midai, Natuna Islands, May 2018
Google Maps photo by Guntur Yudha Prawira
Pulau Kelapa
2006. Active; focal plane 51 m (167 ft); two white flashes every 10 s. 40 m (131 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, mounted on a 2-story concrete keeper's house. Entire lighthouse painted white. The station is staffed by 3 keepers. No photo available but Bing has a satellite view. Located on Pulau Kepala (Coconut Island), a small island off the northeastern end of Pulau Serasan, about 160 km (100 mi) southeast of Natuna Besar. Site status unknown. Admiralty F1846.
Pulau Serasan
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 12.5 m (41 ft); green flash every 3 s (?). Approx. 12.5 m (41 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, painted red and mounted on a square platform supported by piles. No photo available but Bing has a satellite view. This light and the Batu Pacil light (next entry) frame the entrance to a narrow passage leading to the port of Serasan. Located on a reef off the southwestern end of Pulau Serasan. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1847.5.
Batu Pacil
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 12.5 m (41 ft); red flash every 3 s. 12.5 m (41 ft) square skeletal tower with gallery, painted red and mounted on a square platform supported by piles. No photo available but Bing has a satellite view. Located on a reef off the southwestern end of Pulau Serasan. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty F1848; NGA 25106.
Date unknown (between 2018 and 2021). Active (?); focal plane 12 m (39 ft); 2 s on, 7 s off. 10 m (33 ft) round white barbell-shaped tower on a sqaure platform supported by piles. A photo is available (a portion is seen at right), the light is off the pier in the distance in Bambang Priyo Cahyono's 2021 drone view, and Google has a satellite view, but it is not seen in a 2018 drone view. The light was dropped by the Admiralty in 2021. Located just off the end of a pier at Serasan. Site status unknown. ex-Admiralty F1847; NGA 25104.

Serasan Light, Natuna Islands, October 2020
Google Maps photo by FIRDAUS Fir
Pulau Merendam (Merundung)
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 37 m (121 ft); three white flashes every 15 s. 30 m (98 ft) skeletal tower, painted white. Several coast guard station buildings. No photo available but Google has an indistinct satellite view of the station. Located on a small island about 30 km (19 mi) northwest of the Kalimantan coast and about 60 km (38 mi) west of Tanjung Datu, Sarawak. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. ARLHS IDO-012; Admiralty F1850; NGA 25100.
Pulau Murih (Muri Island)
Date unknown (station established 1901). Active; focal plane 102 m (335 ft); white flash every 6 s. 20 m (66 ft) skeletal tower, painted white. Several coast guard station buildings. No photo available but Bing has an indistinct satellite view of the station. Located on the westernmost of two small islands about 70 km (45 mi) northwest of the Kalimantan coast and about 50 km (30 mi) southwest of Pulau Merendam. Accessible only by boat. Site status unknown. ARLHS IDO-228; Admiralty F1854; NGA 25096.

Information available on lost lighthouses:

Notable faux lighthouses:

Adjoining pages: East: West Kalimantan | South: Bintan and Lingga | West: Malaya East Coast

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Posted April 13, 2006. Checked and revised April 9, 2024. Lighthouses: 38. Site copyright 2024 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.