Re: [compost_tea] dirty filters

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 22:02:27 -0700 (PDT)

Wait jeff Aren't you advertizing panty hose? The reason I brought up the subject of reducing the dependence on filters was to question all the attention given mesh and microns in filters in excessive detail. Then to bounce an idea around to find what others thought of a different way, a differnt system. If I know this CT crowd they will all have input that will benefit the crowd or have a way to do this that is better than my present concept by spring. How can we enjoy an interesting LIST if we dan't talk about what we do or want to do or have done as well as quoting some ultra dry text table.? I would sure welcome open discussions of products, methods, nutrient components, brewing ideas, application ideas, how applications are being made by anyoone doing big or small applications, business ventures and how they are managed and how they are working. The science of ACT includes the ways to make it useful, economically possible, .for farmers, gardeners, lawn care guy
 s &
 gals, the enire picture makes it useful - and interesting.
Membership has drifted down sharply. Is that because there is some mention, possibly some promotion, of related products? Or because there is limited interest in what the list is limiting itself to discuss?
Just looking for good ways to go.. Panty hose is certainly an interesting subject, Jeff, so I'm not really bitching about your affair with those.!
 Bob ( Of Bob's Brewers )

Jeff Lowenfels <> wrote:
I agree with Bob up to the sales pitch at the is not Sunday Bob! You promised!
Obviously, however, if you are using drip systems and the like you do need to filter out particles. Why don't you simply spray the plants and soil instead of relying on the drip systems?
Anyhow, I am learning way too much about mesh and microns. I say a stretched out size Q panty hose fits a five gallon bucket and works as a great filter without taking out too much of the good stuff!

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Received on Thu Sep 25 2003 - 03:09:53 EDT

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