Re: [compost_tea] Re: Molasses

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 18:06:52 -0900

Thanks for the constructive comments.
Let me Clarify.
My objective in using Molasses is
1. Provide an economical food for the M.O out in the field so that
beneficial organisms can multiply.
2.Reduce the harmful effect of root feeding Nematodes in the crop (strawbs
or grapes etc).>>>>>

You will definately be feeding bacteria out in the field. I don't think yo=
u can correlate what happens in the tea to what happens out there.

No matter how cheap the molasses is using it good soil foodweb science? I=
 am not so sure it is....wrong kind of dominance for the berries and result=
ing nitrogen is not the perfered...unless I have it backwards and strawberr=
ies like bacterially dominate soils?

Incidently, there are a few things to remember about Dr. E's experiments if=
 memory serves and if I have this wrong, I KNOW she will correct me....firs=
t, the extra mollasses caused a change in the bacteria population which res=
ulted in good fungal numbers. I am not sure that will happen..or if it does=
, happen quick enough out in the field. Second and third, she used good com=
post/humus which had fungi in it to start with and it sounds like particula=
rly good ones at that. Apparently your soils do not.

Tell me again why a few applications of a good fungal tea wouldn't be a bet=
ter idea?



Received on Wed Oct 29 2003 - 00:45:32 EST

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