Re: [compost_tea] Health & Safety Spraying Tea

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 21:24:52 -0800

Anthracnose is a fungal disease that infects many types of shade trees. It=
 is rarely fatal but can be unsightly. Most trees show leaf damage, twig d=
ieback and bud/sprout dieoff. There are several chemical controls that wil=
l fight the disease but to me, this is like using an abomb to get rid of an=

Because of the nature of compost tea, there is no chance of overspray hurti=
ng anyone. Now, 12 metres is about 38 feet and that's a lot of tree to tea=
 without a lot of overspray. You're going to need a pretty hefty sprayer. =
You probably want at least a seventy percent coverage on the leaf. This is=
 the recommended coverage for grape vines to prevent powerdy mildew and I c=
an assure you that it works for grapes.

Tradition says that the best way to get rid of the stuff is to cut back the=
 infected parts, thin the healthy parts to improve air flow and continually=
 rake under the tree so that dead material doesn't help spread the disease.

Now, you may want to look into getting some really high-quality fungal base=
d compost and put it all around the tree. 1 or 2 inches with a diamater ab=
out 4 feet past the drip line should be fine but I'll check to make sure an=
d repost if I am wrong. Soil soak the tree with tea also.

If you can create a healthy soil food web for the tree, the tree will have =
a much better chance of fighting off the disease on its own. This is a dis=
ease usually associated with the spring and since I am in the Northern hemi=
sphere figure you must be south of the equator. Correct me if I am wrong. =

Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: timmerstea
  Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 6:40 PM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Health & Safety Spraying Tea

  Outside my office is a 12 metre tall Plane Tree which is suffering
  from foliar Anthracnose. This is a disease which attacks leaf buds at
  bud burst preventing leaves from developing, eventually killing the
  tree. I have already contacted Dr. Elaine about treating the the tree
  with tea. It is the last option for our Parks Manager. The next
  option is the guillotine. The tree is located in an open public place
  and I have not used tea in this type of location before. Are there
  any guidelines that people follow for spraying with tea in public
  places ? I would be grateful for any help.
  Brian Gallagher

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Received on Sat Dec 06 2003 - 00:45:39 EST

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