Re: [compost_tea] Re: back pack sprayers to use for compost teas?

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 17:02:26 -0800

I tried this in a small sprayer but I think it's much easier to just flush =
thoroughly right after use. Remember also, we are trying to minimize input=
s. At a customer's site, you have to depend on them to clean the sprayer. =
 There are a lot of compounds that sterilize tanks but regardless, there is=
 always some residue. I don't think small amounts of residue can be a reas=
on for not using the tank. Similarly, if your customer has a copper tank, =
you use it. Copper tanks are big in Europe by the way. Most stuff here is=
 aluminum or stainless steel or plastic. I think we need to keep things as=
 clean as possible but one never knows how a customer treats his equipment.=
  Ultimately, it is what the effect of the tea is on the plants.

As I mentioned, early on I thought we could spray once to prevent mildew ou=
tbreak. I learned that it took several sprays and on heavy mildew seasons =
at least twice per week. However, the plants get more than just protection=
 from disease, they get microbes that fix other things for the plants and m=
ake for a better crop. If we had balked at using the sprayer because the c=
ustomer had cleaned it to his specification, we would have been out of busi=
ness fast. We, of course, recommended thorough cleaning and flushing but y=
ou just never know for sure unless you do it yourself. Now, I don't know a=
bout you but if my customer has a field hand who does all the cleaning, I h=
ave to rely on that hand and work with him/her to make sure we have a good =
relationship. That way, my customer is happy, the hand is happy and we get=
 what we want.

Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth

----- Original Message -----
  From: John Cowan
  Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 4:38 PM
  Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: back pack sprayers to use for compost teas=

  Why not circulate some dilute hydrogen peroxide to kill and dissolve the =
bacterial slime? The hydrogen peroxide solution could be greatly diluted af=
ter cleaning [< 0.01%] and the solution used for further brewing.

  John Cowan

Received on Tue Dec 16 2003 - 20:46:35 EST

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