Re: [compost_tea] Re: do meter????

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 13:22:29 -0800

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: tomjasz
  Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 12:44 PM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Re: do meter????

  I can guarantee I NEVER buy compost from an untested source! I can
  guarantee every supplier I buy from tests EVERY batch and I
  routinely visit their site or consult with someone who has.

Well, there is no arguing with this. I get compost or recommend compost fr=
om a variety of sources but do not have the involvement you do. I make my =
own based on recipes from a guy who has been composting for over 20 years o=
r I use his compost. He has consulted on many of the compost projects in p=
rogress in our county but even he doesn't have the level of involvement tha=
t you do. My hats off to your rigorous approach.

It may be of value to myself and others if you send some results to the lis=
t. If you have a way of operating that can ensure rigorous compatibility, =
it should be of value for all of us. For example, a project you have done =
showing the testing and results from both a compost, tea, plant and soil pe=
rspective both at the start and at the end. Something that shows that the =
testing is needed or that the results are so overwhelming that it would be =
of benefit to adopt your methodology.

If you have already posted tests and I missed them, point me to where I can=
 see them. As I said before, I test through A&L Labs in Fresno, CA and hav=
e done some testing through SFI. I test soil and plants before and after t=
ea applications and at various times during the project. But it seems your=
 way may be much more rigorous. I would like to see if the results are sub=
stantially different from my experience.

If you need, I can upload the reports I wrote/co-wrote to the list "files" =
section and you can download them from there.

Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth

Received on Sun Mar 14 2004 - 18:25:35 EST

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