RE: [compost_tea] Re: G.S. I . Tea results, Hi everyone, Dr.e ,ted ,steve,thanks for the help

From: Tom Jaszewski <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 04:36:34 -0800



-----Original Message-----
From: David Hall []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 11:00 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: G.S. I . Tea results, Hi everyone, Dr.e ,ted
,steve,thanks for the help

talking about judging a tea by its ability to drain water into the


[Tom Jaszewski] You suggested a problem might be a poor choice in plant
material. That solution has no value! I know of NO chemical or water
schedule that will drain compacted soil.


I'm using their considerable experience as
evidence that you can use a full chemical program and still be able
to water deeply. That's all I'm saying.


[Tom Jaszewski] There is no magic chemical or water schedule that will open
soils, develop structure in soils, or improve soils in the way compost and
ACT will. Period! End of story!


[David Hall] We are
talking about totals of about one hundred chemically managed lawns
absorbing water for hours on end without runoff. No tea was used on
them. The management practices were very deliberate, intense,
successful, and repeatable. If you don't
want to learn from my experience on this, you will have to repeat
the experience yourself with your own battery of chemical experts.
Finding ones with this experience may take you awhile. I just
posted the watering technique used successfully by these turf
managers to "train" their properties to need water less often.


[Tom Jaszewski] Thanks Dave for sharing you expertise. That being said show
me some evidence other than "management practices were deliberate", what
management practices? Water training? Opening soils by water scheduling? If
that worked consistently those of us who managed properties would have neve=
come around to the process of using ACT and/or composts for soil
development. Either you lack a depth of knowledge and experience or you jus=
believe some posters line without some critical information. I've attended,
lectured and walked the trade floor of many horticultural conferences over
20 years and have never met a manager that can consistently, reliably,
"train" a soil.


[David Hall] As the evidence against me built, it
would have been suicidal to keep resting on microbes alone. These
guys were coming at me in droves with property after property that
never needed mechanical aeration, absorbed unlimited amounts of
water, and did not require watering for a minimum of 7 days in the
Phoenix summer.


[Tom Jaszewski] Then their soils already had the capacity for drainage! If
the Bermuda or whatever turf survives with very infrequent watering then
there is some level of water holding capacity already existing. There is no
chemical regime to develop this ability.


 One guy managed only properties where he had the
key to the automatic waterer. He had 30 properties and he assured
me (I realize this is the Internet) that none of his properties was
watered more than weekly.


 [Tom Jaszewski] Great so he has soils with the ability to accept and hold


In the end I believed him. Since then I
have established "My" 1-2-3 of Turf Management that starts with 1)
deep infrequent watering, 2) mowing tall, and 3) regular fertilizing
(organic or chemical). The weight I gage for success in a turf
program are 1): 60%, 2): 30%, and 3): 10%. The differences
between organic and chemical programs are home safety, environmental
support, and the lesser consideration that 100% organic properties
are absolutely no hassle at all to manage.


[Tom Jaszewski] And in MANY urban areas aeration, compost, and compost tea
with improve soil structure, soil water holding capacity and reduce and
eventually eliminate the need for toxic chemicals.

[David Hall]
I'm saying that your savvy chemical competition can make the same
argument and demonstrate it all day long with satisfied customer
after satisfied customer.


[Tom Jaszewski] I WAS the savvy competition, and I and others here are read=
and willing to help you compete with their smoke and mirrors!

[David Hall reply]

The soil's ability to absorb water is certainly improved with
organic matter; however, if you are going to wait a year to have a
marginal improvement happen naturally, I can do it better in more
like 3 weeks with proper water management - no matter what your
fertilizer program. I preach this in the forums and every season I
get born again infrequent waterers thanking me for the help.


[Tom Jaszewski] I wish it were that simple, compacted undeveloped soils can
NOT be substantially improved nor can the water holding capacity and
drainage be improved by simple scheduling. It just isn't so...but heck what
do I know...



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Received on Tue Nov 09 2004 - 11:37:18 EST

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