[compost_tea] CT and soiless media

From: growest2002 <g.w.thomson_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 20:24:19 -0000

Daniel has broached a subject that must interest many of us in the
nursery biz.

Are some components of our soiless mixes encouraging, discouraging
or neutral to the microherd?

I'm actually surprised to hear that a mix with a portion of good
compost did not readily reach excellent numbers.  I've used good
local vermicompost in my plug mixes for a while, and just "assumed"
that it would spread it's goodness like yeast in bread dough.

Most of us rely on peat  based media, and the reports of sphagnum's
anti-microbial activity seems linked to microbes, rather than the
mentioned tendency of coir to reduce them thru residues of natural
chemicals like phenol/terpene.

A mycorrhiza producer a few years back commented about poor
colonization on bark-based media cp. peat, but I've never seen
anyone else make such a comment.  I imagine that the freshness of
the bark, and spp. of trees would cause quite a variation if there
is any problem in this area.

I'll certainly pass along any results as I get testing this
spring...growing plugs/transplants organically is still in its
infancy and we have tons to learn...


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Received on Wed Mar 09 2005 - 16:46:23 EST

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