Re: [compost_tea] SFI requirements

From: <>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 11:38:06 EST

Hello Elaine....Please let us know the following. Thank you.

Perhaps it would be of benefit for all if you detailed what your folks in
the field have been trained in. (Depth of study, length of time, etc.)
Perhaps all this info is on your site? If so, where does one find it?

Please go look at my web site, all this information is there.
I am currently President of Soil Foodweb Inc, and affiliate faculty at
Southern Cross University, in the Graduate Studies Program. I have been working
in the world of soil microbiology since 1977.
I have over 100 publications in the peer-reviewed, scientific literature. I
have over 75 on which that I am the senior author. I have not published a
great deal in the scientific literature in the last 5 years, as I have been
working on how to take the lab, greenhouse and field studies done to field,
practical applications. That takes awhile.
I was a professor at Oregon State University for many years, before I ran
smack into the bio-tech industry through the work of a graduate students, Dr.
Michael Holmes. I left Oregon State University in 2001.
I have a BA from St. Olf College, my master's degree from Texas A&M, and my
Ph.D. from Colorado State University. All the details of the degrees and
dates and thesis etc at on my curricullum vitae, which is on the SFI website.
All the methods I use are well-documented, accepted, peer-reviewed
assessment methods. The methods we use for doing bacteria and fungi are the ORIGINAL
methods against which everyone else's methods had to be compared in order to
correlate whether they work or not. Protozoa and nematode methods are
well-established in the scientitif literature, and are methods that I wrote the
methods chapters, or my husband wrote methods chapters in the SSS, or AAAS
methods books.
Plate count methods cannot possibly assess even a tiny fraction of the
actual biology present in the soil, or the diversity in soil.
The others labs use the SFI methods which I developed. So if you suggest
SFI methods
are not somehow acceptable or scientifically proven, then you have to reject
most of the other labs that do not use plate count methods.
Anyone who wants to ask me about methods are perfectly welcome to do so.
Just be honest about your agenda in asking, please.
Elaine Ingham

Received on Sun Mar 13 2005 - 23:54:10 EST

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