patchINDEX: Felix A. Cizewski in the 45th Signal Company in WWIIpatch

Map of Felix's Journey

September 15, 1944 - March 21, 1945:
Rhineland Campaign

March 22 - May 11, 1945: Central Europe Campaign
Occupation Duty Undated, probably before July 14, 1945: A Gathering of GIs

July, 1945:
Return on the "Victory Ship"Madawaska" Camp Myles Standish, Boston Port of Embarkation

Camp Grant Separation Center, Rockford, Illinois

Discharge Uniform and Dog Tags

Trophies and Sourvenirs
A Disabled Veteran?

45th Infantry Division related links:

45th Infantry Division

Bill Mauldin's Willy and Joe: Bill Mauldin covered for Stars and Stripes the campaigns in which Felix served.  His Willy and Joe cartoons illustrate what Felix experienced. Felix and Bill Mauldin were in the 45th Infantry Division at different times.

Additional Information and Related Links

INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Family History

All material not in the public domain c 2015 Leonard H. Cizewski

Last Updated:
November 14, 2015
Last Reviewed:

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