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Re: Volcanic Ash

>Be careful about general claims for 'volcanic ash' or any other
>ingredient.  I own 10 acres in Yakima, WA and can speak first hand 
>volcanic ash from St. Helens.  It was a lot of fun being there  but 
>was no general improvement in soil fertility in the Yakima Valley.  
>were an unusual amount of mites in the summer/fall fallowing the ash 
>and a lot of mushrooms the following spring.

Thanks for the first hand account, Jay. I didn't make any claim about 
volcanic ash. I made a claim about my friend. He told me about it. Do 
you happen to know if volcanic ash is considered igneous rock or if it 
is paramagnetic? Does anyone know what's so good about paramagnetic rock 
dust? I heard that the soil should ideally be half paramagnetic  and 
half of sedimentary origin. Does anyone know if this claim is correct? 

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