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[seedsavers] Sustainable Agriculture, sustag@ (gardening and farming) and Market Farming, marketfarming@ ibiblio mailing lists are also available to us now.

Sustainable Agriculture (gardening and farming) ibiblio mailing list: sustag@

I had this list created recently as a companion to the permaculture list and an alternative to Sanet-mg run by the USDA.
I wanted a forum strictly devoted to learning practicing sustainable gardening and sustainable farming.
This would encompass the usual labels applied to this form of agriculture, biological, biointensive, regenerative, 
organic, biodynamic and natural. I will configure this list and have it ready today if any of you are interested in 
subscribing. I'll post a notice here when that is done.

sustag     Sustainable Agriculture

Market Farming (all forms except chemical-based) ibiblio mailing list: marketfarming@

Market Farming: micro to broadacre ecological, biointensive agriculture
Small to large scale, natural, organic, biodynamic, biological, biointensive and sustainable
cropping for market and homestead.

And info on the permaculture list:

Permaculture mailing list, hosted by ibiblio.org -
-- portal to an expanding global network of landtech pioneers --
This forum is dedicated to those interested in the study,
practice and teaching of permaculture, a discipline
started and stewarded by Bill Mollison & David Holmgren
plus hundreds more with varying expertise around the
world. Wikipedia permaculture entry:
"Permaculture is a design system which aims to create sustainable
human habitats by following nature's patterns."


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