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Re: [seedsavers] OT - cook plums

oowonbs@netscape.net wrote:

> Nahhh. getiing INTIO this is fun. Use habds if you let it cool.
> A bread hook can do this. A regular mixwe blade, if very slow.
> No 2 bladed hand mixers. if you take 1 blade out, ok. But this
> is more work. 

> Then recombine the two. Don't stir too much. With skin, extra sugar
> may be needed. Skins add tartness.

The skins sould like a good addition. An African-American lady who cooked for my parents
made this jam from a big (huge) wild plum tree in her front yard. It really was a delicacy but then anything she cooked 
was. We looked forward to it each year. Just let me tell you about her fried chicken, turnip greens, crackling bread, 
lemon merengue pie, eggplant fritters, <long list of ultimate gourmet food>, I could spend hours describing her cooking. 
Oh, and the Kentucky Wonder beans. Definitely some bacon fat used here and there.
> Just cook a dozen for fun and see. When you're done playing,
> pour them over ice cream, french vanilla. And smileeeeee.

Sounds delicious! The French vanilla, and maple syrup + plum jam + tart soy yoghurt
on a bed of apples baked in brown sugar.... .....

Sweet dreams.


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