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Re: [seedsavers] Unfortunate circumstances regarding this list

Margaret L. Wilson wrote:

> Thanks for what you do, Lawrence.  You make the decision for a name and who 
> you allow to join.


> It is really hard to own/moderate a group like this.  I own moderate a 
> couple and assist on others.  Sometimes I just feel like shutting them down 
> and going out to the garden and the livestock. 

You've got that right. There's a lot at stake so there needs to be a group of list stewards in addition to list owners 
and moderators who keep a forum on track to fulfilll its mission. Back in early Usenet, newsgroups were big on 
statements of purpose and mission, complete with elaborate FAQ's on the chosen subject. The rewards are great in that 
you automagically greate a grand pool of information housed in the archives. I want to take the list and its archives 
several steps further by employing the features offered by a wiki, a blog, webforums (webfora?, webforii?), website and 
email list.

seedsavers mailing list