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Re: [seedsavers] Unfortunate circumstances regarding this list

I think it would be a great idea to generate a paragraph welcoming
people to the list.  I signed up  through the SpinFarm list and didn't
full (and still don't ) understand the intention of this group.

I'm inexperienced at saving seeds and want to learn more, which is why
I signed up.  I hope that this is the place for me.

If someone came up with a first draft maybe we can all have a say over
the next week and this might really be the basis of what the list is
for, based on the membership input. Would make for a really strong
listserve if the membership create its intention and welcome newcomers
with an explanation.

How old is this list anyways?

Just my thoughts.

On 2/21/08, Lawrence F. London, Jr. <lflj@intrex.net> wrote:
> Margaret L. Wilson wrote:
> > Thanks for what you do, Lawrence.  You make the decision for a name and
> who
> > you allow to join.
> Thanks.
> > It is really hard to own/moderate a group like this.  I own moderate a
> > couple and assist on others.  Sometimes I just feel like shutting them
> down
> > and going out to the garden and the livestock.
> You've got that right. There's a lot at stake so there needs to be a group
> of list stewards in addition to list owners
> and moderators who keep a forum on track to fulfilll its mission. Back in
> early Usenet, newsgroups were big on
> statements of purpose and mission, complete with elaborate FAQ's on the
> chosen subject. The rewards are great in that
> you automagically greate a grand pool of information housed in the archives.
> I want to take the list and its archives
> several steps further by employing the features offered by a wiki, a blog,
> webforums (webfora?, webforii?), website and
> email list.
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> seedsavers mailing list
> seedsavers@lists.ibiblio.org
> http://lists.ibiblio.org/mailman/listinfo/seedsavers

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