
Awards and Scholarships

Critique services of NCSMA offer annual opportunities for students and staffs to distinguish themselves. Experts in magazine, newspaper and yearbook production judge North Carolina's scholastic publications in three classes, according to school enrollment.

Award categories include Achievement, Honor, Distinction and All North Carolina. From the latter category, Tarheel awards are presented to the highest-scoring publications in each class.

Students may also submit individual work in writing and design for awards.

Each year the Student Journalist of the Year is selected from among the top graduating seniors in scholastic journalism programs across the state. Entrants are evaluated by journalism professionals and UNC-CH School of Journalism and Mass Communication professors. The winner recieves the Rachael Rivers-Coffey Scholarship from the N.C. Press Association and goes on to compete for scholarships in the national Journalism Education Association contest.

Award and Scholarship Forms

Award Winners