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Re: Bluebirds on the move

I have another bluebird on the move question for you all.  A friend in Carrboro,
NC, has a bluebird house which he was happy to see early on this spring had a
bluebird nest.  A week or so ago, he sadly reported that some Carolina
chickadees came along and took over the nest.  Today he reports that the entire
nest plus chickadees are gone- the house totally empty of all nesting materials,
with no debris of any kind anywhere on the ground nearby.  Now bluebirds are
taking another look at the house.  In the past, this site has had repeated
problems with wrens entering, breaking all bluebird eggs, and sometimes throwing
them on the ground just outside the house.  I think there also may have been a
snake problem a few years ago.  Also, the house is on suburban property near a
reasonably large pond (some refer to it as a little lake, but it doesn't seem
quite of lake proportions to me).  Could anyone guess as to what might have
happened or who may have caused such a major "neat" distruption?

Marsha Stephens
North Chatham County, Pittsboro

Kim Bruff wrote:
> "My" bluebird couple has just today moved from their
> old nesting box (which has been up for 3 years and has
> been occupied by bluebirds for 3 years) to a new box
> we put up in late February.  We inspected the old box
> tonight and there is a nest in it, but no eggs.  There
> are blue and white feathers scattered beneath the
> nesting box, but both birds are still alive. There are
> no signs of egg shells anywhere.  Any ideas why
> they've moved? I would have thought they would have
> been sitting on a nest full of eggs by now.  Do you
> think the female is infertile, or is it likely they
> were visited by a snake or raccoon?
> On a more humourous note, I had some very strange
> "birds" under my feeders this morning.  I always
> scatter some very inexpensive mixed seed which has a
> high concentration of cracked corn as well as some
> sunflower, milo, and millet.  It keeps the mourning
> doves and the sparrows happy.  I looked out this
> morning to see two mourning dove-colored things, huge,
> with BIG ears and white cottontails munching away.  Am
> I the last one to find out that rabbits eat corn??
> Thanks for any bluebird replies.
> ....kim bruff
> =====
> .....kim bruff
> Perched on the Wake/Johnston County line in NC
> kimbruff@yahoo.com
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