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Re: falcon?

On 2003/03/03 9:01 PM, "Leah Campbell" <faeriemaiden@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone know of peregrin
> falcons passing through SC piedmont this time of year?

I can only find 8 reports of Peregrine Falcon from the SC Piedmont within
the last 42 years, 5 were in Sep and Oct.  None in Feb, although there was
one reported near Pendleton, SC on Jan 19, 1985.

NC has at least 77 reports from the Piedmont during the last 49 years, but
only one definite early March report: March 10, 1995 in Cary, NC.  Birds
have wintered in Charlotte and Winston-Salem --- however it's not clear if
the birds were still present in early March.

There certainly may be other reports that are not contained in my source

I think everyone would agree that Peregrine Falcon is an exciting find in
the SC Piedmont in early March!

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC