
Re: Question for Speeders

	I wrote:
> >>	Granted, 75 - 80 on the highway is fine, but 110-120+ is 
> >>ridiculous unless there is 110% visibility and no one else in sight,

	legerlotz wrote:
> I routinely read and see this sort of thing... Basically it says "the speed at which
> I cease to feel comfortable driving should be the maximum speed for anyone to
> travel, because anyone that would go faster is a maniac".
> This, IMO, is a crock.
> If you think that 75-80 is a max that any sane person would go, trade in
> that Hyundai for a better car.  All of a sudden 75-80 would be as comfortable
> (and IMO almost as safe] as sitting on your living room couch.
	I now write:
	That is a crock, but your interpretation of what I wrote is 
wrong, at least for me.  I did not make my statement based on how *my*
car feels at the mentioned speeds.  I made that statement in light of the 
fact that strange things do happen.  In rural and even less than rural 
areas, deer, not just dogs, find themselves in the path of moving vehicles.
I know of accidents where the animal went thru the windshield and killed 
the driver.  I also kno of accounts where the imapct caused a loss of 
vehicle control.  So take your 1.0 g skidpad car out.  I don't care how 
it handles.  When something suddenly gets in front of you it's too late.
Convert mph to feet per second, and you might be a little more understanding.
I'm not telling you to slow down.  I could careless what you do.  I'm 
just defending my point.  Besides, in most places, 25 mph or more over 
the limit will kill your insurance if you get caught.  Here, you'll be 
arrested for reckless driving, but I can only guess what you'll say about 
