
Re: Question for Speeders

In article <3qf1ag$ssl@jac.zko.dec.com> legerlotz@gigi32.enet.dec.com writes:
>From: legerlotz@gigi32.enet.dec.com
>Subject: Re: Question for Speeders
>Date: 30 May 1995 11:59:12 GMT

>>>      Granted, 75 - 80 on the highway is fine, but 110-120+ is 
>>>ridiculous unless there is 110% visibility and no one else in sight,

>I routinely read and see this sort of thing... Basically it says "the speed at which
>I cease to feel comfortable driving should be the maximum speed for anyone to
>travel, because anyone that would go faster is a maniac".

>This, IMO, is a crock.

>If you think that 75-80 is a max that any sane person would go, trade in
>that Hyundai for a better car.  All of a sudden 75-80 would be as comfortable
>(and IMO almost as safe] as sitting on your living room couch.

I agree totally...If you have a car that is not built for high speeds, then by 
all means, speeding is a very dangerous thing.  However, if your car is 
specifically designed to "get up and go", then it is safe to....go a little 
faster than the speed limit ;).  Now, before you jump up and start calling me 
insane and throwing out hypothetical questions ('What if a child or a gopher 
ran out in front of you?'), I am not talking city streets...Highways were 
designed to handle speeds much greater than the posted limits, and if you are 
a cautious enough driver and your car is capable, pushing the envelope every 
now and then can be a very exciting, and safe, thing.


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