

In <3vcks7$2eg@news-e1a.megaweb.com> kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE) writes:

>Well....in the 8 years that I've been teaching and taking calls on the air,
>90% wish it was a right, but KNOW it is a priviledge.  There is not
>ONE country on this Earth where driving is a right.

Clarification please.  By 'right' were you thinking of 'legal right' or
'moral right'?

BTW, current law in the US is that driving is a legal right for those
who stay within the law.  Allow jury nullification and jury trials for
all traffic violators, and driving would be a legal right for all good
drivers, regardless of any technical infractions of silly traffic

Your declarations are too broad, not sufficiently unambiguous, and
poorly thought-out.
Rahul Dhesi <dhesi@rahul.net>
"please ignore Dhesi" -- Mark Crispin <mrc@CAC.Washington.EDU>
