Managing Copyright and Leveraging Revenue
in Your News Organization
News Division 2005 SLA Conference

A panel of seasoned copyright experts (not lawyers) discussed issues including encouraging your newsroom to follow good copyright practices, managing reprint permissions and developing revenue from the repurposing of editorial content. 6/7/2005

©©©©©©©©   Copyright Basics     ©©©©©©©

Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States and many other nations to the authors of published and unpublished original works. Copyrighting news content gives a publication the exclusive right to control how others may re-use or reprint valuable text, photos, graphics, video and even headlines to prevent pirating or inappropriate use of the material and to provide a revenue stream.

© Why a news organization should register for copyright (rather than just deposit)

If registration is made within 3 months after publication of the work or prior to an infringement of the work, statutory damages and attorney's fees will be available to the copyright owner in court actions. Otherwise, only an award of actual damages and profits is available to the copyright owner.

© What steps to follow to register for copyright.

Daily newspapers are permitted to combine the mandatory deposit required by law with registration for copyright.  Further, newspapers are permitted to send silver halide microfilm rolls rather than hardcopies and can "group register" with a single form and single fee all issues on a roll of microfilm. 

To further simplify the process, consider establishing a Deposit Account with funds in advance so that your fees can be easily deducted each time rather that getting a check from your accounting dept. You can now replenish your Deposit Account with a credit card. (For information call 202. 707-6896)  Certificates of Registration are sent out by the Register of Copyright in 2-3 months. 

Weekly, monthly or other periodicals or newsletters as well as broadcast have similar forms to complete to register. 

Go to the Copyright Office site for more information.

© When do U.S. works pass into the public domain?

© Copyright resources for Canada

© Other links

© Managing reprint/permissions requests

© Licensing your news organization's content

© Practice what you preach: ensuring your newsroom follows good copyright practices

© Software vendors for plagiarism testing

Resources on this page were compiled for a panel discussion "Managing Copyright and Leveraging Revenue in Your News Organization" at the annual conference of the News Division Special Libraries Assn., June 2005.  Panel members included Kathy Foley, San Antonio Express-News; Ginny Everett, Atlanta Journal Constitution; Peter Simmons, The New York Times; and Sharon Clairemont, Orange County Register.

News Division Program, SLA 2005 Annual Conference
SLA News Division Home

To request updates or additions contact Kathy Foley.
Last updated 6/4/2005